How To Transition To A 'One Water' Approach | Cybersecurity: How Utilities Can Embrace Tech
Water Online
Connecting water and wastewater professionals to technology suppliers across municipal and industrial markets
How Can Water Utilities Transition To A 'One Water' Approach? 5 Practical Steps
If you work in the water industry, you’ve certainly heard the term “One Water.” What does it mean, and how could it help a water, wastewater, and/or stormwater utility better achieve its goals? Thinking about adopting the One Water approach?
Cybersecurity For The Win: How Water Utilities Can Embrace Digital Technology
By Kevin Westerling,
Water and wastewater system operators are known to be a careful lot. Tightly regulated by the U.S. EPA and state agencies — and committed to public health — they cannot afford mistakes. This often results in “tried-and-true” methodologies winning out over innovative solutions, but the incredible upside offered by digital technologies has encouraged a wave of cyber adoption. Almost cruelly, it comes with cyber threats.
Double Belts, Double Suspenders: How El Paso Is Implementing Direct Potable Reuse
El Paso, TX, has always known that water is precious. Since the 1960s, the city has been reusing water for irrigation and other purposes. More recently, its public utility, El Paso Water, piloted a direct potable reuse (DPR) plant that turns agricultural irrigation wastewater into drinking water.
Now, the city is ready to begin construction of a full-scale DPR facility, which aims to supply 10 million gallons per day (MGD) to the city.
Keeping Wastewater Facilities Running During A Power Outage
Without preparation, wastewater treatment facilities risk uncontrolled discharges, environmental violations, and costly equipment failures. Planning for power resilience requires a multi-layered approach, incorporating robust backup power solutions, automated system protections, and a well-trained response team.
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