How to Transform Your Life
Norma Hollis, PhD
Trusted Authority on Authenticity-Based Leadership, Self-Awareness, and Organizational Development; Transformational Strategist for Individuals and Organizations; International Speaker/Trainer
We have been dealing with COVID-19 and all the changes it has caused in our society for a few years now. When it first started, many people, especially in the personal development industry, were examining what this means to us as individuals and as a society.?
One of the constant thoughts was that maybe we should pause and reexamine our lives. A reexamination could cause you to learn new things about yourself and modify some things to create a better life. One that is happier, more fulfilling, and authentic to who you truly are.
It’s interesting that COVID would happen at a time when authenticity has become a popular word. The truth is, the word would not be so popular unless its opposite, inauthenticity, was so prevalent.
Think about it. We have become quite inauthentic in many ways.?
Recently I researched the challenges, fears and frustrations people are feeling about being authentic. What I found was very interesting.
The most popular answer I received was that people are afraid of being their authentic self, feeling free enough to say what they are thinking and expressing themselves with full authenticity. The primary reason is because they are afraid of what others might think and how they might be judged. So rather than speaking up and honoring their truth, they hold back and don’t say anything.
Does this resonate with you??
Are you holding back and not being honest with others??
Are you being honest with yourself?
Authenticity is an important quality of our world, especially now. We need authenticity with the information we receive, how we treat others and how we treat ourselves. It is difficult to treat yourself with authenticity if you are unclear on who you are and what authenticity means to you.
I see the opposite of authenticity as auto-pilot. So many of us live our lives on auto-pilot, doing the same thing each day, not liking it, but doing it anyway. Going to work on the same path, coming home and routinely doing the same thing, over and over again. We do it so much for so long that eventually, we lose sight of who we are and what is authentic for us.
I encourage you to embrace authenticity. Examine yourself and determine which parts of your life are not authentic. Where are you living on auto-pilot? Then ‘tweak’ one thing. This means modifying one small thing in your life such as finding new paths to drive to and from work. Give yourself new scenery which can lead to a new state of mind.
Try the tweak for 30 – 90 days then find something else to tweak. Keep this process on a regular basis and soon you will look around and find that your life has transformed. You are becoming more authentic and enjoying your life with new energy.
Give it a try. You might be quite happily surprised with the results.