How to Transform One’s Alma Mater into The Private Museum
Alongside state-funded arts and cultural institutions to develop the Singaporean art scene, collectors Daniel and Rachel Teo decided to take up the rare job of creating an independent, collector-led platform for both the public and the private sphere to exchange ideas across cultures, educational initiatives, artistic and curatorial collaborations. Therefore, they set up The Private Museum (TPM) Singapore in 2010 in the heart of the Bras Basah district. They hope to develop an art ecosystem through the programmes at TPM, which has become a very active and significant private museum in Singapore. In January this year, the opening of exhibition “Emerging: Collecting Singapore Contemporary, Selections from the DUO Collection” at TPM Singapore was part of the VIP programs at one of our partners, S.E.A. in Singapore.
Daniel Teo explained to LARRY’S LIST why they chose Daniel Teo’s alma mater Catholic High School for setting up the museum, how the museum will be celebrating its 10thanniversary this year, the growing collection at TPM donated by collectors and artists, as well as their vision for the museum in the upcoming five years.