How to Train a Militia
James "Michael" Christman
CEO / JUSTICE SERVICES WORLDWIDE..25K+conn.-- Counter-Terrorism Group/Hostage Rescue
Even though enlistment efforts are coordinated by CENTCOM, Justice Svcs Worldwide, still encourages all members to aggressively recruit quality candidates that adhere to our strict Code of Conduct and meet the disqualifications checklist. Should you find a likely candidate online or in person feel free to send them to the Justice Svcs Worldwide LinkedIn Page.
Oath to the Militia
After gauging your militia prospects and deeming them adequate for service, each enlistment must swear an Oath to the Militia. While symbolic at its core, we still believe a man’s word is his bond. Before training begins ensure your enlistment or group of enlistments swear their oaths with a witness present.
I ____________________________, do solemnly swear under God that I will commit my life to the protection of my Country and the United States Constitution; protecting Americans of all races and creeds from foreign and domestic attacks. With this oath I will:
- Follow the orders of my commanders when those orders do not violate the United States Code of Conduct and ethical guidelines
- Never divulge the militia’s classified activities under any circumstances
- Keep the identities of RU/ADC soldiers secret at all costs.
- Be an ally to the community, assisting the helpless when natural disasters strike.
- Never perform any actions that would embarrass or damage the Militia.
Operational security will minimize unforeseen consequences that could inevitably lead to your unit failing its primary objective. Using word of mouth, stenography and cryptography are the best practices when communicating operational guidelines that obtain sensitive materials. When discussing operations over unsecured lines; avoid using full names, dates, times and locations. Family members who are not in your unit should be kept on a ‘need to know’ basis for their own safety.
Operational security should be enforced by all members and should not be tolerated by Regional Commanders and Commanding Officers. Reprimands should be issued while taking certain situations into account. Long story short; do not openly discuss your activities regardless of their level of security.
Militia PT
PT (physical training) for combat soldiers can be tough, so when evaluating your candidates you must ensure they meet minimum physical requirements. Your job as a regional commander is to mold individuals with little to no prior experience into lean machines who do not solely rely on their weaponry. You must first toughen their bodies; within two to three weeks of initial PT, candidates will feel incredibly sore. Allow for a week of recovery, at which time their cardiovascular circulation, metabolism and endurance will slowly increase. To commit your unit to the Militia PT use the Army Issued Pocket PT Guide (Right click and ‘Save As’) to outline your PT Program.
Required Equipment
All Militia Members should have the following basic equipment items. Ideally, candidates should have two of each but with the current state of the economy it is not required. If you can’t afford the items listed you can also go to local used G.I. Surplus Stores, Swap meets and Yard sales.
- Combat Boots
- Combat Gloves (leather with wool liners)
- Combat Fatigues according to your environment ( Standard Issue – Multi cam)
- Field Jacket and Liner
- Ballistics Plate Vest or Bulletproof Vest
- Kevlar Helmet
- Belt/Leg Rigs/Magazine Attachments (See Survival Gear)
- Camouflage (paint, veil, mask, shoe polish and etc.)
- Entrenching Tool/Folding Shovel
- Bug Out Bag (Containing other required items)
- Gas Mask NATO Israeli Issued
- Rifle/Shotgun/Sidearm
- Assault Rope
- Patch to identify the recruit as a US citizen
- Patch to identify the member as a usCrow CMF (Issued April 2013)
Field Exercise Equipment Guidelines
When you are in the field you must keep your load as light as possible, so when making your purchases ensure you pay attention to the overall weight of your gear. During drills, weight can make the difference between a successful hump and a ‘blue card’ situation. Always stock required medication and required dietary items.
Militia BCT Basic Combat Training
Commanders must acquire adequate privately owned property(written consent required if not owned by the regional commander) to perform BCT. Recruits should be adequately equipped with the items listed above during BCT. The militia relies on civilian enlistments; therefor training schedules should take into consideration each recruit’s individual needs. Recruits who are unable to commit to weekend BCT are not disqualified from the militia, but fellow recruits should assist with their training when available. All Militia Commanders have military experience and are very familiar with BCT, using this knowledge you must outline weekend BCT to include:
- Physical Training PT while enforcing disciplinary measures to reinforce obedience to the chain of command. Assisting in the development of an acute attention to detail and common responsibility among the unit
- GFT (ground fighting techniques) hand to hand combat training, map reading, land navigation, and compass use. These skills should be put to the test during field exercises.
- Deadweight and/or ‘Pugil Stick’ training to simulate carrying an unconscious or immobile body, physical problem solving (carrying equipment from point A to point B) outlining specific details and restraints.
- Introduction into Marksmanship – Each recruit should be adequately trained by licensed NRA Instructors and/or Military Personnel while providing each recruit with the US Army Rifle Marksmanship M16 & M4 2008 or above. ( )
- Downrange Marksmanship – The recruit will now fire their weapon they have become familiarized with; firing at various targets, which are progressively further downrange, making each successive target more difficult to hit, with additional pop-up targets at long range
- Commanders can simulate proven BCT Primers such as the USMC Survival Course to further enlistments abilities.
Militia Weapons
Mao Tse Tung overthrew the Japanese and Chinese forces with the use of his militia members, Colonial Americans defeated the greatest empire at the time with nothing more than the militia and muskets. The primary fact you must accept for success; if your enemy has it you must have it. Before continuing should you acquire such items you must practice Storing and Caching techniques with strict operational security guidelines. They must be easily accessible but impossible to find. When stocking your legitimate armory you should consider the following:
- Accessibility of replacement parts
- Does it shoot US/Police rounds and do you have re-loaders capable of making these rounds
- When investing in your arsenal purchase 223/ 5.56/7.62 NATO rounds (recruits should contribute ammunition as much as possible, without effecting their individual financial obligations)
- Other firearms and ammunition to be stored should be 9 mm and 12 gauge
- Essential Firearms
When possible, train with SKS, AK-47, 995, M-16, SCAR and AR-15 rifles. Familiarize your candidates with proper shooting techniques such as; Carbine Rifle Tactical Use, Active Shooter Mobile, AK-47 Controlled Use, AR-15 / M-16 Armorer. Marksmanship will be further explain throughout this primer.
Militia Explosives
Thermite is a fuel-oxidizer mixture that is used to generate tremendous heat, the mixture of powdered iron oxide/rust and aluminum when ignited will create a reaction producing an approximate 2000 degrees of heat. This makes Thermite an excellent tool for the militia. There are no special requirements to make Thermite, the mixture is simple 50/50 by weight and can be made in bulk. Thermite can be used in powder form with intake manifolds and 2 inch diameter pipes with a ? pound 50/50 mixture. Also see How to make Tannerite.
Strategy and Tactics
When training enlistments you should practice some basic fundamentals in guerrilla and insurgent warfare by subjecting the candidates to live action drills using the following techniques:
- When your enemy advances, retreat unless in an advantageous position that will allow you to defeat your aggressors
- When the enemy camps (noticed by a lack of movement and hostile fire)you then advance and agitate your aggressor with suppression fire, masking targets being eliminated by sniper units
- When the enemy tires, hit them with everything you have when the situation allows an offensive action with limited loss of life
- Know your enemy by becoming familiar with their branches of military and police personnel, movements and SOP (standard operating procedures)
- Attack the enemy at its weak points
- Assign COMM Officers with degrees in Telecom to infiltrate their communication systems.
- Record response times and methodology of attack
- Strike at times when an attack is not expected
- Train militia members to protect Power Stations, Water Plants, and other domestic resources.. be prepared for them to disable our services
LFX – Live Fire Exercises to Train a Militia
For the militia unit to have a successful mission objective, the commander must know the unit’s abilities and capabilities of its firearms. Officers should have biweekly to monthly LFX, simulating wartime conditions while applying military philosophy/SOP to include but not limited to; LFX concepts, strategies, military terminology, signaling, increasing sustainable training strategies. However, military members and veterans should apply the current experience they have and develop training agendas that fit your unit’s needs. The goal for your training maneuvers and LFX should promote combat readiness by implementing:
- Establishing a commanding maneuver area or kill box where the unit leader can coordinate troop direction of fire and maneuvering based on METT-T (Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time)
- A sound integration of organic/non-organic (direct/indirect) weapon systems and personnel
- Using realistic targets (such as Tannerite targets, spring loaded targets, etc.) and return fire (at a preliminary level a MILES system will not be available, simulation return fire will have to be conducted by automated blank firing systems developed by volunteer mechanical engineers)
- Combat related activities that simulate casualty collection, evacuation, combat and service support
- Safety is the first priority during LFX, each exercise must be; reviewed by commanders and engineers assuring no rounds exit the LFX area, and firing exchange meets the highest safety standards
The key to successful LFX and training exercises relies on the commander’s ability to train and plan for assigned systems and possible contingencies. Collective marksmanship training begins in BCT, while LFX consists of six primary stages that include; range determination, mobile marksmanship, supporting/suppression fire, command and control of movement and fire distribution, integrated firing, static marksmanship for defense and ambush maneuvers, mobile marksmanship for attacking and withdrawing, weapons maintenance and zero calibration. LFX should go in the following order:
- Individual – Zero weapon, qualify weapon, familiarize with explosive ordinance while engaging the enemy with multiple systems; conducting mobile marksmanship and focusing on IMT
- Crew – Qualify with crew-served weapon if applicable while engaging enemy with multiple systems, rehearse during LFX
- Buddy – Engage enemies with multiple systems during LFX
- Fire Team – Coordinated movement exercise, IMT and communication using arm-and-hand signals should be perfected during dry fire LFX.
- Squad – The LFX combines the platoon introducing maneuvers, command and control process (fire team and squad leaders) complicating of the exercise. Force-on-force training to precede all LFX and higher.
- Company and Larger Units – Before any training is conducted that expends blank or live ammunition, a dry-fire or walk-through exercise should be conducted. This allows the unit to improve movement techniques, command and control, safety, and many other areas before critical resources are used. Due to OPSEC, we can’t publicly outline this exercise, however regional commanders should be well aware of the requirements during company and large unit LFX.