How to Train Around Your Menstrual Cycle
On average us women will have around 400 periods in our lifetime and where we are in our cycle can really affect how we feel emotionally, physically and mentally. With so many changes happening within our bodies each month, we wanted to take a deeper look into how the menstrual cycle could be affecting the way our community feels about their training, so that we can better support them throughout their EvolveYou journeys.
Follicular Phase: Part 1
An average cycle lasts around 28 days, with your period marking day 1 of your cycle. For many women the arrival of their period and the reset of their cycle can feel like a ‘pop’ for any premenstrual pressure, bringing with it a physical and emotional release. Around the start of your period, as well as for the first couple of days, your hormones oestrogen and progesterone are at an all time low. This drop in hormones coupled with potential period cramps may leave you feeling like you want to snuggle up on the sofa, questioning whether exercise is a good idea.
Although exercise might feel like the last thing you want to do, some research supports the fact that exercise, (particularly gentle aerobic exercise) during and around your period, may help to:
1. Combat cramps
2. Boost your mood
3. Increase your energy
How to train?
You may want to take it easier for the first few days of your period. However, from around day 3 your hormone oestrogen starts to rise again, bringing with it increased energy and positivity, and as you start to leave your period and head towards ovulation you start feeling like you again! Around this time some studies have shown that you recover faster so now is the time to ride that oestrogen wave as you get your sweat on! From around days 3-4 focus on heart pumping and energising workouts like:
2. Running
3. Crossfit
4. Boxing
5. Spinning
Follicular Phase: Part 2
You’ve well and truly left your period and as your body prepares itself for ovulation (day 14), this is your time to shine! As you approach the ovulation phase other hormones like LH, testosterone also arrive on the scene accompanying oestrogen for a happy, hormone party. The combined effect of all three hormones is intense, with its biological purpose essentially being to get you pregnant! It’s around now that you feel your most confident, strongest and most flexible!
Top tip: High levels of oestrogen, particularly as you near ovulation can make you more susceptible to injury, so pay extra focus on that form.
How to train?
Thanks to the sharp rise in testosterone pre-ovulation you’re more likely to hit PB’s, so now is the time to hit it hard and push yourself to your limits with:
1. Strength training
3. Running
Luteal Phase: Part 1
After the midway point of your cycle (day 14) comes the luteal phase which lasts 2 weeks, right up until day 1 of your period. This phase is dominated by a hormone called progesterone and it’s this hormone which might make you feel bloated and puffy, as its job is to prepare the lining of your uterus for a potential pregnancy. Along with these physical symptoms, the rise in progesterone combined with a dip in oestrogen may leave you feeling a little lower and slower, as your energy and mood decrease.
It’s not all bad news…
Some science has shown that during your luteal phase there is a slight increase in your metabolism with some evidence even showing that due to the combined effect of progesterone and oestrogen you’re more likely to burn fat throughout your workouts. This is because the combination of oestrogen and progesterone make it harder for your body to access glucose (your preferred energy source for your workouts). Although you’ll likely burn more fat for energy in your workouts, the inability to access glucose for energy as easily will make your workouts feel that bit tougher.
Did I mention you’re more likely to get sweatier around this time too?
Your change in hormones around this time can affect a part of your brain called the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating your body’s temperature. The drop in oestrogen as well as the rise in progesterone may make your brain more sensitive to even the slightest change, sending signals to your body to cool you down by sweating, even if you don’t need to, “pass the sweat towel please”.
Your temperature can fluctuate between 0.3°C to 0.7°C higher in your luteal phase compared to your follicular phase!
How to train?
Wow our bodies do a lot! If you find your usual workouts a bit of a struggle around this time then there is no shame in scaling it back to a level that feels right for you! Think about using this time as a way of maintaining everything you built during the first phase of your cycle. Add or enjoy low impact cardio like:
1. Walking
2. Swimming
3. Cycling
4. Rowing
5. Jogging
These types of movement will feel great as you make the most out of your energy systems.
Luteal Phase: Part 2
As you approach the end of your cycle and get close to your period, all your hormones suddenly plummet. This dramatic drop in hormones can be felt physically, mentally and emotionally and can leave you feeling sad, anxious and angry. Research has also shown that around this time sleep quality is disrupted, meaning you may find it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep, with one particular study showing that women with PMS are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia just before their period. Although scientists can’t pinpoint the exact reason for this, some studies have suggested that it may be due to the rise in bodily temperature with other research also finding altered levels of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is vital for regulating your sleep pattern. What scientists and doctors can agree on though is that limiting alcohol, smoking, combined with moving more can reduce PMS, with exercise in particular playing an essential role in your mental well-being.
How to train?
The lead up to your period can feel like a rocky road for many women. It’s therefore essential to show yourself the love and compassion your body deserves. You may be one of the lucky ones who might not feel anything around this time, but if you do feel lower than usual and suffer from the symptoms above, understand that you’re not alone and that your body is doing a lot.
A 2016 study showed that those who enjoyed regular yoga classes experienced fewer PMS symptoms and reported less period pain.
If your symptoms are more severe during this phase:
1. Scale it back: If you like to lift weights, perhaps lower the volume and load.
2. Go slower: If running is your thing, you could aim for a shorter distance and slower pace.
3. Try Yoga: Nourishing and calming workouts like yoga have also been shown to also ease PMS symptoms.
Tailor your training to your individual needs
As we've seen, your body is a beautiful complex system of delicate hormones which cycle you through a myriad of emotions and physicalities every month! However, although there may be some similarities, remember you are unique and your symptoms therefore might differ from your best friend, sister or cousin.
Ultimately knowledge is power and being able to understand the mechanics of what’s going on beneath the surface will allow you to tune in and listen to what you need. There may be days where you feel great and easily smash those PBs, then there may be others where you might want to take it easier, as you slow it down and scale it back. What’s important is that you do you, for you and that you tailor your training towards what suits your body and your needs. So let’s harness those hormones and maximise our results!
Find out more!
Want to adapt your training and need some workout inspiration to help you flow through the month? Click here for some menstrual motivation, as we’ve created this blog with selected EvolveYou workouts to help guide you through your cycle.