How to trade on MERJ EXCHANGE with PKF
As PKF is a licenced Securities Dealer in Seychelles (SD001), and a member of MERJ EXCHANGE, PKF’s approved clients are able to trade the Securities listed on MERJ EXCHANGE.
To view MERJ EXCHANGE Listings, please go to the following page: MERJ Exchange Listings
This page will give you a list of all Securities available, their market cap and last traded price.
Further information on each Security can be found in the market news section.
All you have to do is search for the Security you are interested in and download the Pre-Listing statement, Financial Statements and market announcements to get a more in depth understanding about the Security.
Note: It is recommended that you consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Once you are confident about which Security you wish to invest in you will now need to fund your trading account (in our article on 24/06/2020, we will discuss the process of on-boarding with PKF if you are not already a client of ours). If you wish to fund your account please contact PKF support ([email protected]) and they will provide you with the correct USD, EUR, SCR or GBP bank account details (depending on the currency of the Security). Please note that there is a 0.75% trading fee that needs to be factored in when funding your trading account.
- As an example, if you wish to buy 10,000 shares of “ABC Limited” at USD 2.5 per share, the cost to purchase the shares would be USD 25,000 and the fees associated with this trade would be USD 187.5 (0.75% of USD 25,000). Therefore, total amount required to fund your account would be USD 25,187.5
In order to place a trade, you will need to complete the On-Market trading form which you can request from PKF Support and send it completed back to [email protected]. As a security measure, we will only respond and act on email instructions sent from the email address the client has completed in their PKF online profile. The On-Market trading form looks like the below:
Account: Your personal trading account number
Instrument: Instrument symbol found on MERJ Exchange Listings page
Side: Choose if you are buying/selling Securities
Quantity: Number of Securities being bought or sold
Order Type:
- Limit Order:
- An order to buy or sell a Security at a specific price or better.
- A buy limit order can only be executed at the limit price or lower, and a sell limit order can only be executed at the limit price or higher.
- A limit order is not guaranteed to execute. If this option is chosen, the client must state the maximum price at which he/she wishes to buy at or minimum price he/she wishes to sell at.
- Market Order:
- An order to buy or sell a stock at best price on market. If this option is chosen, the client does not have the option to set the price.
- The option can only be chosen if there are currently other Securities for sale or purchase.
Time in Force: Good to Cancel (GTC): The order will remain in place until either the order is filled or it's cancelled. If the client wishes to cancel an order, a new instruction must be communicated to PKF.
Should you require any further information on a Security (i.e. market depth, volume, share price history) please contact PKF support and we will provide that information to you.
Once PKF Support have received the order instruction, an Authorised Securities Dealer Representative will proceed to place the trade on your behalf and confirm with you once the trade has been placed. It is the shareholders responsibility to login to the system to see when and if the trade has matched.
If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].
Happy Trading!