How to Track Employee Time Without Invading Privacy

How to Track Employee Time Without Invading Privacy

Do modern time tracking and monitoring apps make the invasion of employee privacy inevitable?

Not at all.

You can easily implement an employee-friendly time tracking system that still works well for your business.

Read this article to better understand how to track employee time fairly, without infringing on anyone’s privacy — while still collecting the necessary data.

*This article is an abridged, adapted version of the blog post originally published on the Clockify blog:

#1: Disclose what you track to employees

According to an Express VPN survey, 59% of employees are anxious/stressed about being monitored at work by their employer. Thus, it’s highly likely that some of your employees also feel that way.

You can make your employees feel more at ease by explaining the reason behind implementing a time tracking system.

After that, you should also inform them about what you’re tracking. This can include options like screen recording and location tracking.

For example, Clockify is a reliable time tracking tool that notifies its users when monitoring features are enabled.

Clockify GPS tracking notification

Using an app with this functionality builds trust between you and your employees, as they always know if and how they’re being monitored.

#2: Keep the tracked data secure

Let’s say you’ve done everything by the book — collected only necessary data and made sure your employees agreed to their work time being tracked. It could all be in vain if you didn’t keep the tracked data in a safe place. Or if it went into the wrong hands.

This can be solved by choosing a time tracking app that allows you to control who sees specific data.?

For example, in Clockify, you can give regular users the permission to see:

  • All tracked time,
  • Only time on public projects, or
  • Only their own time.

Permission settings in Clockify

It’s up to you to use a trusted, secure app for time tracking and adjust the settings to protect employee data.

#3: Let employees choose how they want to track their time

Some time tracking apps allow their users to choose how they want to track their work hours. These are some of the time tracking options available:

? Timer allows for tracking employee work hours in real time,

??? Timesheet enables users to enter hours worked for the entire week,

?? Manual mode lets users manually add time, and

?? Auto tracker tracks time spent across different apps.

Clockify has all of these options — plus more. For example, your employees can also track time through Calendar or quickly clock in and out using the Kiosk.

As you can see from the screenshot below, users can access these time tracking options directly from the sidebar.

Time tracking options in Clockify

If you choose software with a variety of features for tracking time, you can allow your employees to pick the option they prefer. That way, you’ll make sure everyone is comfortable with what is being tracked.

Track time with a non-invasive app like Clockify

The best way to instill trust in your employees is to use a tool that was designed to protect users' privacy.

A prime example of an employee-friendly, non-invasive app is Clockify. Its main purpose is to offer features for accurate time tracking. All monitoring features it has can be disabled or adjusted in settings.??

For illustration, Clockify allows for screen capturing. Should you decide to enable it, the app lets you choose between blurred screenshots and higher-resolution ones.

With Clockify, you can work together with your employees to create an effective time tracking system that works both for them and your company.?

Sign up for Clockify



