How To Track (and attack) Your Transformation
Greg Scheinman
Founder + CEO of Midlife Male Ventures, Bestselling Author, Coach, Speaker, Entrepreneur w/2 Exits, Husband, Dad
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This is The Midlife Male Newsletter where each Sunday I share a few things that are on my mind, a new episode of the podcast and three Midlife Male Approved things I’m into; like great books, recovery tech, training gear, other experts that had a big impact on my life and more.
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In Health,?
Alright...Here we go?
The Power Of A Picture?
I got a call from a client and friend. He told me that he was preparing for his son’s bar mitzvah and went to look at some pictures from his daughter’s bat mitzvah a few years earlier. He couldn’t believe what he looked like then and how much he had let himself go. It was a tipping point for him. Sometimes that’s all it takes: a picture, seen at the right time and moment when you’re ready to take a good hard look at yourself.
He made a commitment to change his lifestyle, reclaim his health, and become a better version of himself for this upcoming special occasion. Thirty pounds lighter, he’s a new man—energized, confident, motivated. That type of transformation translates into all aspects of life too. No- body can make you do it. You just have to want it.
If you’re not in the condition you want to be in, get out your camera and take a picture of yourself. You don’t have to post it on social media. Just stick it on your mirror or someplace where you can see it.?
Then get to work. Keep taking pictures of yourself, and document your progress. Think you’ll want to go back to the "old you" once "new you" has arrived?
Snapshot everything
Now, apply the same principle to other areas of your life. Write down your life goals, and take a photo of them. Take a picture of your bank statement, credit card bill, the house you want to live in, the car you want to drive, the col- lege your kids want to go to, places you want to visit, you name it.?
Then apply consistency, discipline, execution, and a positive attitude to becoming a better husband, father, provider, person.
Chances are you’re already doing this successfully in some aspect of your life. Now do it in all of them. We all have room for improvement.?
The best simply get up, show up, and outwork the rest.?
Enlist others’ support
My father passed away at forty-seven. Long before I ever reached that age, not a day went by that I didn’t think about how he never got to experience the second act of his life. I have no intention of slowing down or to stop playing and competing anytime soon. The sweat, nutrition, sleep, sacrifice, recovery, time, and money are all worth it to me.
You either get the lifestyle or you don’t. For us like- minded guys, it’s in our DNA. If you don’t, it’s not too late. Age is just a number. It doesn’t matter what stage in life you’re at right now. Midlife doesn’t mean crisis. It should be the time to live our best and brightest lives. You can start anytime, but you have to take the first step.
My experience is that there are plenty of helpful people at the gym or any physical activity who want to inspire and motivate others to discover the many benefits of their sweat of choice. And yet, many men whose egos are as big as their waistline don’t take advantage of the opportunities that are all around us—men who would never run their businesses as poorly as they run their lives.
How many times over the past decade have I tried to encourage a friend or client to join me at the gym? "Oh," they say, "I need to get in shape before I work out with you."
I hear this all the time, and it frustrates the shit out of me. Dude, that’s the point: to get in shape.?
That’s the equivalent of me saying, "I can’t have a conversation with you because you’re smarter than me."
Sounds ridiculous, right?
You don’t get in shape to work out. You work out to get in shape.
I’ve pulled a few sleds and done a few pull-ups and barbell rows in my day. Of course I’m going to do these exercises a ton better than you. Unless you’ve done a movement or a rep three thousand times, you aren’t allowed to get upset with yourself when you don’t do it just right. I guarantee I won’t laugh at you; I’ll give you tips so you can get better at it.
You know who is open to tips? Women. They aren’t threatened by a workout partner who can help them, and they’re not afraid of looking stupid. Women are willing to try any- thing that works for whatever their goal is.
Look, I get it. In areas where you are confident, you are willing to take a chance and look silly. We feel like we can push ourselves and eventually figure it out after a few tries. But in other areas, we put limits on ourselves.?
We quit if we struggle on our first try.
Start saying yes to being the best version of yourself.
Stop putting pressure on the outcome and instead em- brace the process.
And there’s always room for another guy in that club. Photo ID included.?
In Health,?
Khalil Rafati is the owner of SunLife Organics, a super-successful chain of organic juice bars with outlets in California, Texas, and Arizona. Today, Khalil is all about eating organically and maximizing longevity, but his journey to health and sobriety has been long and tortuous. As a former addict, Khalil perfected his smoothie-making technique while experimenting with ways to regain his strength in recovery. Eventually, his passion for clean living and organic superfoods led to the creation of a multi-million dollar business and resulted in a life full of health, happiness, and abundance.
Listen out for Khalil’s thoughts on;
I used to be addicted to heroin and crack. I’m a high school dropout and a convicted felon who came from nothing and went on to create a life that was a wilderness of pain. I was homeless and penniless until I sobered up at 33.
When I first got sober, my vegan friend would give me all these powdered greens and nut butters. I started to feel my life force return, and the more I consumed, the better I felt. Until, like any good junkie, I became addicted to that stuff.
My first juice bar was a little hole in the wall at a Malibu shopping center, and when we opened it, we didn’t have shelves, we didn’t have a table, and we didn’t have a sign out front. Everybody told me it wouldn’t work, but today that juice bar does over $2 million a year in sales.
I see Sunlife Organics growing into a billion-dollar brand. But even though there’ll be more zeros in my bank balance, it won’t make me happier than I am right now. Because if you go from making 14 bucks an hour to making 400 grand a year, you’re going to be a lot happier. But, if you’re already making $600 000 a year, and you start making $1.9 million, your happiness doesn’t change at all. In fact, it might even go down a little bit.?
I don't drink or do drugs anymore, I haven’t smoked in 15 years, and I’m full of energy and vitality from all the superfoods. I look better than I looked thirty years ago, and I don’t have the lethargy I used to have.??
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Three Things I'm into
Book:?Strength To Strength?by Arthur Brooks -?From Strength to Strength is the result,?a practical roadmap for the rest of your life. Drawing on social science, philosophy, biography, theology, and eastern wisdom, as well as dozens of interviews with everyday men and women, Brooks shows us that true life success is well within our reach.?
Tech:?Chances are you're wearing an apple watch.?You've also probably not heard the name Bob Messerschmidt.?Well, Bob's the guy that made it possible for you to wear that apple watch.?He's also now CEO & Founder of?COR.?I chatted with Bob last week.?Fascinating guy...COR has developed an at-home infrared spectrometer, paired with a data analytics machine based on tens of millions (and growing) data points. Together, this solution allows people to discover what food and fitness practices are highest impact for them. I'm going to be testing all of this out over the next few months.
Wellness:?The other day I posted a video and jokingly referenced my shiny (greasy looking) forehead and asked for recs on how to "tone this down" a notch....I got some great responses and ordered a few products.?I landed on?Paula's Choice Shine Stopper Instant Matte Finish.?Goodbye Shine!?This works really well, good value/price point and easy to apply.??
The brands and partners I truly believe in are on my? If & when you're gonna buy, this is where I spend my money and have seen results.?I talk and write about the same stuff constantly because it works and because they all fit the three principles above.?I encourage you to support them as well.