How to be in the top 1% in your twenties
Photo of the author: Wisdom Matey Tetteh

How to be in the top 1% in your twenties

Entering your twenties can be a challenging period filled with a range of emotions, decisions, and experiences. Whether it’s high energy, identity crisis, paranoia, or insecurities, there is no shortage of difficulties that arise during this stage of life. Society often expects young adults to make important life decisions, such as completing their formal education, finding work or pursuing a profession, and even starting a family.

As a young man who just entered his thirties, I understand the pressure that comes with these expectations and the societal microscope that constantly watches your every move. However, I want to share with you that it is not necessary to have everything figured out at this stage. Instead, focus on establishing a solid foundation for yourself and the rest will fall into place with a little effort and determination.

Drawing from my own experiences and knowledge, I aim to provide guidance for those still in their twenties and for those who are yet to enter this life stage. I hope that by sharing my insights, I can help others navigate the perils of their twenties and set a strong foundation for the future.

Cheat code 1: Adopt a philosophy of life

Every part of your life, including the words you use, the actions you take, and even the things you buy at the store, are influenced by your philosophy. While we all have a personal philosophy, not everyone has taken the time to define it and communicate it.

Now is the perfect time to take a step back, reflect on yourself, and develop a philosophy to guide your life. Your philosophy should encompass all facets of your life, including work, relationships, money, and education.

Think about the virtues you want to embody and be sure that your daily decisions align with these values. Virtues such as integrity, commitment, trust, and accountability are highly valued across all walks of life.

Essentially, personal philosophy helps you live a more intentional and fulfilling life. So, take the time to define and refine your philosophy and always strive to be a good person.”

Cheat code 2: Know Thyself

As Socrates once said, “Man, know thyself.” Understanding who you are and what you are capable of will help you live a meaningful life and realize your full potential. Never lie to yourself about your strengths and weaknesses — this is the first golden rule of success.

In the ancient Greek philosophy, Socrates famously declared that the unexamined life was not worth living. By appreciating yourself, you become aware of your thoughts, beliefs, values, and emotions. This self-awareness allows you to make conscious decisions and take action based on your true passions and interests.

It is ideal to identify your talents and play to your strengths. Don’t miss out on opportunities because you are unaware of your capabilities. Use this time to explore and discover yourself. Note what excites you, what you dislike, your weaknesses, and your talents. You may make deliberate decisions and take action based on your genuine passions and interests when you are self-aware.

Cheat code 3: Define, Refine, and Realign Your Belief Systems

We must comprehend and clarify our belief systems as we aspire to lead fulfilling lives. Our beliefs influence how we think, feel, and act, and as a result, they are a major factor in determining how successful and happy we ultimately become. Nevertheless, we frequently have limiting beliefs about ourselves and the environment we live in that can prevent us from realising our greatest potential.

Refining and realigning your belief systems to correspond with your goals, values, and aspirations is crucial if you want to lead a life of meaning. This necessitates introspection and a willingness to confront your limiting ideas. Consider asking yourself, “What do I believe about myself?” What do I think about other people? Ask yourself, “What do I believe about the world?” and consider whether or not your beliefs are helpful or limiting.

It is critical to understand that beliefs are changeable and subject to change. So, make an effort to recognize any limiting beliefs and substitute them for empowering ones that are consistent with your values and objectives. Keep in mind that, as the philosopher Epictetus famously observed, “It’s not what happens to you that matters; it’s how you react to it.” You can overcome the constraints that you put on yourself and lead a meaningful life by clarifying and realigning your belief systems.

Cheat code 4: Teachability: be ready to learn, relearn and unlearn

“If in the last few years, you have not discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead.”

— Gelett Burgess

The pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement is a never-ending journey. One must remain to be teachable and open to learning to lead a life that is meaningful, and fulfilling. Our twenties are the best age to assimilate this idea and form the habit of lifelong learning.

In a world that is changing quickly, it is essential to keep up with new knowledge, skills, and technologies. To learn new, relevant concepts, practices, and beliefs, one must be willing to unlearn old, out-of-date ones.

Relearning is another essential component of personal growth. Our perspectives, experiences, and values change as we travel through life, and consequently, so do our beliefs and knowledge. It’s crucial to be willing to explore previously studied material and to update our knowledge.

We may continuously broaden our perspectives, learn new things, and improve as people if we are teachable. We will be able to adapt and flourish in a world that is always changing if we adopt an attitude of openness, curiosity, and humility.

In the words of Confucius, ‘The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not is a fool for life.’”

Cheat code 5: Take on responsibilities and hold yourself accountable

Both responsibility and accountability are essential for leading a successful life, and they go hand in hand. While accountability is taking responsibility for one’s acts, responsibility refers to being held accountable for one’s activities.

To put it another way, accepting responsibility entails admitting your part in a certain circumstance, whereas accepting accountability is owning up to the consequences of your choices and being prepared to make adjustments and take remedial action.

Young people must develop an attitude of accountability and responsibility in all areas of their lives, from their relationships to their careers and everything in between. You get greater control over your life and are better able to make decisions when you take responsibility for your choices and the results they have.

Being accountable also shows maturity, honesty, and dependability, which increases your credibility and earns you the respect of others. Future opportunities and satisfying relationships may result from this.

So responsibility and being accountable. Commit to act with integrity and to own up to your mistakes, and watch as your life transforms for the better.

Cheat code 6: Keep your money matters in order

Although it is what gets us out of bed every morning, the topic of money is frequently avoided in ordinary discourse among people. Most of us have a mistaken or pessimistic view of money as children, which keeps us in the same cycle from generation to generation.

Although our families and educational system may have let us down in this regard, we must not let ourselves down. Learn as much as you can about finances. Read books, develop an interest in finance, seek professional financial advice, and get in touch with affluent people who seem to have their finances under control. Find out how money works.

Your skills and brains are needed to get money, but your attitude and habits are required to keep it. No matter how many zeros you earn, you will never be able to keep it if you are a spendthrift. You will eventually lose your money and become stuck in an endless cycle.

Don’t indulge in lifestyle inflation, live frugally, track your spending, and budget and have savings and goals. Also, learn about stocks and investments, and be cautious when purchasing life and other insurance policies. Before you sign up, read the rules and ask for clarification. The devil is in the details, as they say. Start investing as soon as possible because compound interest has a significant impact on wealth creation.

Cheat code 7: Get your demons under control

Everybody has demons, those unpleasant feelings and beliefs that prevent us from reaching our greatest potential. They may be the result of traumatic events in the past, or merely ingrained negative thought patterns that have become stronger over time.

It might be an irrational fear or preoccupation, a persistent illness or a typical ailment like depression or anxiety, a bad habit, a character flaw like a porn addiction, anger, pride, greed, laziness, lust, gluttony, or a mix of these. Given that it is a part of us, fighting it is challenging.

The most crucial thing, though, is to resist allowing these monsters to enslave us. They have a way of controlling what we do and how we think, ultimately leading to our downfall.

We must first be aware of our demons’ existence before actively attempting to understand them to conquer them. To build strategies to combat these negative thoughts and emotions, we must investigate their underlying causes.

It can be accomplished through introspection, counselling, or even just consciously challenging and reframing unfavourable thoughts.

Confrontation with these monsters frequently leads to failure. They might ultimately become resistant. For instance, if you constantly turn to pills to help you relax when you feel stressed, your body will eventually develop a resistance to the drugs, and you risk developing extra problems like kidney-related illnesses as a result of your heavy drug use.

For example, if gluttony is your devil and you don’t get it under control, sooner than later, you will become obese. You will have health issues, and eventually pay more to go to the gym and purchase medications to treat your infirmities.

While overcoming our demons requires time and effort, the benefits include a balanced sense of inner peace, self-awareness, and the capacity to lead a more fulfilled life.

Therefore, do not be scared to face your demons directly. You can conquer your demons and lead the life you deserve if you have the appropriate perspective and strategy.

Avoid get-rich-quick schemes as well. There are several. Control your thirst for money, especially investments with higher-than-average returns. When something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Cheat code 8: Build habits you can fall back on

Habits are important in shaping our daily routines and, ultimately, our lives. Individuals can build a foundation that will help them weather life’s ups and downs by developing positive habits.

When things don’t go as planned, people tend to fall back on old habits, often the bad ones. For example, light smokers become chain smokers while occasional drinkers become chronic drunkards. I have no aversion to alcohol, but I’m sure we can all agree that excessive smoking and drinking are bad for our health. These are habits that must be broken by forming new ones in their place. What if you decide to go to the gym or go for a walk when you feel the urge to smoke?

Building habits is a simple but effective process. Begin by focusing on one habit at a time and practising it consistently until it becomes second nature. Find something that aligns with your values and goals, whether it’s waking up early, sleeping on time, being on time for meetings, eating well, exercising, reading, or learning to focus and follow through.

Furthermore, it is critical to understand that habits are not fixed and can be altered or modified as needed. This is especially true as our lives and priorities shift. However, by having fallback habits, you can stay grounded and maintain a sense of stability in your life.

Cheat code 9: Be serviceable

The essence of living a fulfilling and successful life is found in the relationships we form and the influence we have on others. By being serviceable, you add value to those around you and establish yourself as an important member of your community. It creates new opportunities while also establishing a network of supportive and genuine relationships.

Serviceability entails developing a variety of skills that will make you a valuable resource to others. This could imply mastering a specific skill or gaining specialized knowledge in a specific field. It could also mean being resourceful and creative in problem-solving. By doing so, you create opportunities to connect with others and form mutually beneficial relationships.

Furthermore, it is critical to constantly work on expanding your capacity and re-skilling yourself as needed. In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability and flexibility are more important than ever.

However, it is not only about learning new skills; it is also about being proactive in applying those skills to help others. People are more likely to form strong bonds with those who are useful and contribute something of value. So, approach every interaction to add value and make a positive difference.

Nobody wants to be associated with a leech, so focus on being serviceable if you want to build a network that will serve you well in the long run. Develop in-demand skills, expand your capacity, and always look for ways to add value to others. You will set yourself up for success and create opportunities for growth and fulfilment by doing so.

Cheat Code 10: Invest in meaningful relationships

“Your network is your net worth.”

— Porter Gale

Investing in meaningful relationships is critical to personal growth and success. The quality of our relationships has a significant impact on the quality of our lives. It is critical to choose our relationships carefully and deliberately because the people we surround ourselves with can have a long-term impact on our life trajectory and happiness.

A strong support system is essential for success, but it’s also critical to ensure that every relationship serves a purpose. It’s not just about having a lot of friends; it’s about developing relationships that benefit each other and add value to each other’s lives.

Building meaningful relationships takes time, effort, and planning. Make an effort to get to know people, understand their points of view, and find areas of agreement. Share your thoughts and experiences, and listen to what others have to say. Be encouraging and always willing to assist others.

By investing in meaningful relationships, you gain not only a support system but also new opportunities and valuable insights and perspectives. As a result, you become an important part of someone else’s support system, and the cycle of growth and support continues.

Know the difference between family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances and treat them accordingly. Know who to keep close and who to keep at a safe distance. Not everyone who enters your life deserves to be there. Normalise the cancellation of unproductive relationships, such as those who disparage your dreams and seek to take advantage of you.

Furthermore, I recommend that people seek out mentors who have already accomplished what they want to achieve in life. Mentors can offer advice, encouragement, support, and valuable insights to help you achieve your objectives more effectively.

Having a mentor can also help you stay on track and focused on your goals by providing a sense of accountability. They can encourage you to think critically and take calculated risks.

Cheat code 11: Quit perfection. Embrace excellence.

“Perfection is the enemy of progress “– Winston Churchill

Perfectionism leads to inaction and missed opportunities. Instead, aim for excellence in everything you do. Accept that no one is ever truly prepared for anything, but the willingness to take risks and learn along the way is what separates those who succeed from those who fail.

Waiting for the “ideal” moment is a dangerous trap that can prevent you from reaching your full potential. Opportunities will come and go, and it is up to you to seize them when they emerge. Don’t let the fear of not being completely prepared stop you. Accept the difficulties that come with new opportunities and use them as a learning opportunity to grow and improve.

Remember that making mistakes is okay and that they can often be the best learning experiences as you strive for excellence. Instead of striving for perfection, strive for continuous improvement and your best effort. With time and experience, you will gain the knowledge and skills required to achieve your objectives and success.

Cheat code 12: Don’t let your schooling interfere with your education

Your school’s academic major shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing other interests. The purpose of education is to prepare us for life, not to lock us away in a classroom. True education happens outside of the classroom. You don’t have to become a filmmaker just because you went to film school, despite attending one.

If a medical student wishes to write, what is stopping them? You don’t need a license to be a content creator. Except for some traditional occupations such as architecture, law, medicine, and engineering, which require certification of practitioners, most modern occupations are not rigid on academic qualification.

The first rule is to follow your passion. Invest heavily in your education. Make Google and YouTube your allies. Use online learning platforms, search for courses on YouTube, and ask Google anything and you will be amazed at the wealth of knowledge you will acquire.

Final words

These cheat codes have served me well, and I hope they will do the same for you.

Because life is cumulative, it is necessary to make smart decisions and make choices that will have a favourable impact in the future. Your twenties are fleeting, so put your best foot forward today and live your best life by utilising insights and experiences from others who have walked this path.

About the Can We Talk Newsletter

Can We Talk? is a weekly newsletter where we explore intentional living, including insights on personal and professional growth, self-mastery, philosophy, relationships, leadership, capacity-building, and unlocking potential. I interview thinkers, and changemakers to gain their perspective into what sets them apart from the rest. Can We Talk? newsletter is published every week, ideally on Wednesdays. If you like what you read, yes sure to follow/subscribe.

Wisdom Tetteh-Matey is the CEO and Managing Editor of Moments Africa, an Afro-centric cultural institution and blog focused on transforming the narrative of the African continent and people of African descent. He is the CEO of Visual Lab Media Ltd., a media production company based in Ghana and the founder of the Institute for Brand Communication Ghana.? He is on a mission to empower people through his thoughts, experiences and learning.


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