How-to post 30 pieces of content every day
Photo by: Austin Distel Source: Unsplash

How-to post 30 pieces of content every day

In this article I'll tell you how to post like Gary Vaynerchuck and then I implore and challenge you to try this straight forward but labor intensive process out, or at least discuss it in your next team meeting.

The hard fact is that attention online and on certain social media channels are very under prized (still) and the strategy should be to take advantage of that. This golden online opportunity era will soon enough change, just like television ads ate away at the older radio-ad market back in the days, so will social media do to television.

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To maximize on this you have to start putting out good and valuable content. I will explain one way to go about that and even so with limited resources. This way you'll get the best ROMI (return on marketing investment) and its maybe the only way to be able to produce 30 pieces of content per day.

The "Content Pyramid"

Gary's content pyramid.

The whole idea is based on producing a long-form (30-90 minutes) content from maybe a daily Vlog, a keynote presentation, or maybe a good Q&A session, or your new podcast with is long format .

This long-form content you (and if lucky your team), creates short-form content(stories, short videos, articles) and even micro-form content (quotes, images, memes, GIFS, etc).Then you listen and watch what the response is and what the community is saying. Then you respond to that feedback/insight and produce micro content once again. This time it's "community driven micro content" you are developing and refitting/posting again.

So then the master formula is as following:

?Document - create - distribute - listen - create - distribute - repeat process.

This is how you get many pieces of content and potentially can post 30 pieces of content a day.

Think about how it can be applied to your personal brand, your B2C product, or your B2B marketing strategy and if that would be of value towards your long term goals?

To skip this and go directly to the source follow this link to his post on his homepage.

Other important success factors

  • Pipeline is paramount - Having a plan and a long list of interviews, opportunities and other events for your long-term content or show is key. You need to at least have at least a 5-10 candidates or events confirmed in your pipeline at any given time. Adding in speaking engagements, fire-side chats with the CEO, and other content opportunities is also a must to keep the machine going.
  • Team is speed - The best would be to have a person that could film and edit and a second person that can edit and the expertise of posting/moderating/listening on social media. Having 1-2 person team will make a huge difference and will provide you with speed, something you'll need to keep posting and uploading.
  • Quality is your ABC - The quality of the podcast matters when listening, the quality of the conversation matters and the quality of the recording of the long-version matters. Poor quality for the viewers and listeners will most likely kill your numbers and wast your time, because there is so much good quality out there you compete against.
  • But, don't dwell, there is no time-machine. Just DO IT!

Let me know if you have questions or leave your comments and thoughts below.


