A How-To Guide: Conflict Transformation

A How-To Guide: Conflict Transformation

The secret to a win-win negotiation/business relationship/mediation/conflict resolution.?

We ALL want to be valued, appreciated, approved, understood and acknowledged!!!!!!!!!!

When this is overlooked and not given to a party for one reason or another, conflicts are most likely to arise in any shape or form. (and in business, it can become very costly, very quickly.)?

Very soon blaming, resentment, disappointment, distrust and disagreement will take us to new heights of conflict.?

Something that was just thrown aside as a seed, can grow very quickly into a full blown flower in front of our eyes, and we can’t even believe what we’ve just witnessed.?

What I am going to show you is not only how to effectively negotiate or resolve a problem when you are faced with the other party, but how to “prepare” for a ‘meeting’ with the other party.?

It’s all in the preparation and planning, as well the intention behind it – as we all know.?

How to prepare??

When we feel attacked, it’s hard not to become defensive or feel hurt. It’s hard to stay calm and emotionally ‘neutral’. And that right there is the key: we can prevent the conflict from escalating into an all-out dispute by how we ‘respond’ to the partner, instead of ‘reacting’ out of negative emotions or triggers.?

But we all come into a new relationship, partnership and business with our previous negative experiences, and the effects of those experiences not only accumulate in us but similar events start recurring in our lives again and again.... and we don’t understand why! We’re baffled what’s causing it.

So many of us come to believe that ‘history repeats itself’, and that it does even in our personal lives.?

We have habits and we tend to think in cycles. It’s true. But if you can delete those accumulative negative effects of those experiences in your mind, heart, body and spirit, like you can delete a file on your computer, your life will automatically change and you won’t have to fall into the same cycles over and over again.?

When your partner or co-worker says or does something even remotely unpleasant, it won’t have to trigger a bad memory or a reaction on your part, and you’ll be able to stay calm and composed most of the time- without having to cover it up and struggle with the turmoil internally.?

But how do I do that??

At the end of the text I’ll show you how you can do your own ‘self-healing’, so you can stay calm at any time you wish. After all, the best way to resolve any conflict is to come from a relaxed state of mind.?

Your partner might be unreasonable and you might feel like you have to stand up for yourself, but how you do it is very important!?

Is it out of anger, hatred, some form of prejudice or is it from a respectful place where your intention is pure and intend to resolve the matter in peace and harmony?

It’s not about winning or losing.?

It’s about establishing the environment for the possibility of a win-win situation. When you approach from a listening and understanding place, the other side will feel it and respond to it. – sooner or later... - which will eventually result in entering into a process of conflict resolution.?

How to stop running away from pain:?

Have you ever stood or sat in your office quietly and just daydreamed? Try to think of a solution? Wonder how the next day or meeting is going to play out even though you didn’t have much hope for any good outcome??

Well, you probably came close to meditation. Maybe not like a Buddhist monk, but in any case, you were still and deep in your thoughts.?

But by examination I don’t mean self-blaming, judging or finger pointing. Taking responsibility doesn’t have to be painful or difficult.?

It’s a natural reaction to want to run away from those negative feelings of pain – be it physical, emotional or psychological. But it’s not only not necessary, it’s detrimental to resolution.?

If you realize you made a mistake, and you feel bad about it, just do one of the exercises from the list at the end of this text, and it will be gone. Face it. Sit with it. And you can observe it just simply dissolve, go away, and leave you alone.?

Self-examination and awareness as well as awareness of the situation and people around us is of utmost importance.?

It can be painful to be blamed or under-appreciated and it can be just as painful to criticize ourselves, blame ourselves or take responsibility for our actions that somehow caused damage to the business or to our relationships.?


Most of the time if there is a question, there is a problem. As soon as you have answers to your questions, you’ll have no more problems. ?

And it’s true for negotiation and everything else too.?

Questions can be intrusive, but if you form a statement instead, it might not feel like you’re invading their privacy.?

Looking into yourself and your situation doesn’t have to be painful!?

And the better techniques you have for dissolving underlying issues, the faster conflicts can be resolved and the faster any and all pain dissipates in all parties involved.

It’s not about avoiding pain, it’s about facing it the most effectively and lightening fast.

Clarity in life and any situation:?

Be clear about what you want and who you are as well as your own reactions. If not, sit for just a few minutes and do one of the exercises so that by the time you go into the meeting, not only is your mind clear and you have a plan but emotionally you are absolutely neutral- which means unbeatable because you can stay calm and in control at all times.?

Whenever there is a decision we need to make, e.g. start a business, choose a business partner or resolve a conflict with a business partner, the wisest thing to do is list all the questions you have, all the obstacles you can think of that can show up on the way, list all the doubts you have, then become neutral to them (by doing some “exercises” ) and let go of them?(delete them, like a file on your computer.) in order to get in touch with your deepest most inner gut feeling and intuition - because many times in life, all the science and facts are still not enough to know exactly how things will play out in the future.?

And that’s when we have to turn to our last resort - the most reliable resource, which is your heart and gut.?

CLARITY is everything. Everything starts with ourselves.?

Take a bit of time to?reflect, listen to our inner voice and if we have any emotional reaction or baggage, let it come to the surface and just let it go.?

When involved in a dispute, the best thing we can do is to focus on ourselves instead of the other person or the dispute itself.?

Be clear with yourself first then calmly communicate it with the other party. (I know you’re thinking it’s very hard to do, but after dealing with yourself at home, it won’t be!)?

Defensive mechanism and limiting beliefs:?

We all have limiting beliefs that we develop throughout life as a reaction to certain experiences, mostly out of fear, as a defensive mechanism.?

But oddly enough, it actually hurts us more than helps us.?

When you recognize that it’s your mindset or a limiting belief that’s sabotaging you in resolving a conflict, just let go of it by deleting it. (yes: by any of the techniques that I list at the end of this text).?

WORRYING has never helped anybody to solve a problem. Nevertheless we waste so much time and energy on worrying about the future or outcomes.?

If you ever catch yourself preparing for a meeting, mediation, negotiation and you worry about the outcome, it’s worth spending two minutes of your time going deep inside yourself and discovering what it is that you REALLY worry about.?

When you discover what the reason for that worry is, you can just delete it, and watch it all go away and dissolve into thin air. It will make a world of difference!?

If you have the urge to BLAME somebody for something bad that happened or is going on, perhaps a CHANGE IN PERCEPTION would help.?

To change your perception, and be able to get another perspective on the situation – hopefully a more objective and realistic one – please go to the end of the text and do any of the exercises of your preference.?

You can also do the same for any of the other problems, like fear of being honest and/or your partner’s reaction to you expressing your thoughts honestly, (whether it be anger, rage, distrust, misunderstanding, rejection, etc).?

It’s easy to fall into the habit of MAKING ASSUMPTIONS what the other party’s reaction is going to be to our statements or when we present what we want, and we are scared of it in advance, whether it’s realistic or not.?

While you do any of the exercises listed, always be absolutely non-judgmental and give yourself utter and total unconditional love and acceptance.?

Believe it or not, it makes a huge difference.?


If you’re new to the concept of self healing or meditating, you might not believe in it. What’s important is just to simply do it – because as soon as you start moving the stagnating negative energy in your body, things will start changing.?

You can use healing, nerve relaxing exercises at any time of the day. The better you get at it, the faster you’ll be able to do them, and the faster the results will be.?

For example, you can’t TRUST somebody in the company. Instead of lashing out at the co-worker for his idea, the best practice would be to restrain oneself and spend a couple of moments in one’s own office: search for the reason for having these distrusting feelings. It could be a past bad experience from childhood getting triggered, or a thousand other things.?

It only takes a few seconds to release it and your whole relationship with that person can change for the better as soon as you can treat him with a bit more respect or even trust.?

What if he IS untrustworthy? You can politely ask questions, or make statements – not starting with sentences with YOU, but with I.?

Stating how you feel, or how the other person’s behavior makes you feel is a whole lot less attacking than if you accuse the person and start the sentence with YOU. You did this, You always do that... Instead say: when you do this, I feel like this...?

That will give you the truth very clearly, but without you sounding suspicious or accusing or angry because of your assumptions.?

Therefore preventing you from either hurting the other person or causing a conflict that might develop into a huge legal battle later and you’ll wonder for the rest of your life where it all began...?

They always say:?


And it’s true.?

After you dig deeper into your inner truth, you can then extend this level of honesty into your business dealings.?

OPEN COMMUNICATION is also very important.

But here’s the catch: how can you be honest and open with other people when so many times it’s hard to do it even with ourselves? Why??

When DENIAL, SUPPRESSION, LYING TO YOURSELF OR FORGETTING THINGS get in the way, it’s because our subconscious is having a tantrum.?

Another thing that can get in the way of honest and open communication is misunderstanding or misinterpretation. Why??

Because of the ‘PERCEPTION FILTER’ the other party might be using in order to ‘listen’ to you or ‘hear’ you and process the information they were just given by you.?

The best thing we can do is to be clear and honest with ourselves, as well as with our partners.?

Even if we all speak English, even when we think we’re communicating and doing so openly and honestly, there is always room for misunderstanding.?

So stay with honesty – it’s still your best bet for a long-term relationship – whether it’s business or personal.?

You also save a lot of time by not playing games. If you keep it real and honest, people will sense it and respond very differently.

If you like to stay in control, speak slowly, calmly and no more than 10 words at a time. You’ll not only keep people’s attention but you won’t let things spiral out of control by a heated argument that can develop very quickly otherwise.

Another fantastic advice is to LISTEN.?


There is always a chance for CLARIFICATION. It’s usually easy. When it’s not, it means there is something going on beneath the surface.?

If no meditation or other exercise helps to discover what that is (sometimes simply talking isn’t good enough either) it’s time to call a neuro coach, a mediator or a mindset coach that can help with the mystery.?

Honest communication also breaks down when we’re unwilling to admit that we don’t know everything, and WE’RE SCARED OF LOOKING BAD OR UNPROFESSIONAL OR WE CAN’T ADMIT THAT WE MADE A MISTAKE – it might cause the partnership to be broken up or you might get ‘fired’ for it.?

And the fear of it might be well founded – but the truth is, most people will let it slide if it was an honest mistake. ?

Before you face the person that you give the bad news to (about your mistake), do a few minutes of relaxation/meditation/healing session to reduce your fear of being rejected, blamed, attacked, criticized and hurt, so you don’t feel defensive.?

Any time we’re defensive, it makes things a whole lot worse than it would be otherwise.?

If you go in there with ‘neutral’ attitude, humbleness and humility, ready for anything, usually you will have nothing to worry about and things will turn out for the best.?

A GOOD COPING METHOD: (if they don’t forgive your mistake or don’t let it slide...?)

here is what to consider: No matter how bad it may seem for the moment, REMEMBER THAT IT MIGHT BE A BLESSING IN DISGUISE.?

There are several techniques to deal with this kind of situation, but at this time I’ll mention the one from Mary Morrisay, that works very well: if something really bad happens, and you think the world just collapsed on you, instead of getting angry right away, delay the ‘explosion episode’ for 72 hours.?

Make an appointment with yourself to get angry in 72 hours. Until then, you have a job to do: write down everything good that you can think of that came out of this mess of a situation that you just experienced.?

The experience that you feel had just made your life an utter disaster. After collecting all the good aspects of it for three days, you can have your anger expression episode, if you still feel like it.?

Most likely you won’t need it anymore. But if you do, indulge in your anger. Give yourself some time frame that fits your personality to vent and work out your anger, and then let it go and get on with life. Use the good aspects to get inspired, get some good ideas to create a better future. Also, don’t forget to make a note of what you had learned from that experience.?

It can become your ‘go-to’ experience to work things out for the better.

When it comes to business negotiation and conflict resolution, it’s also important to be non-judgmental with yourself and everybody else, therefore BE NON-CONFRONTATIONAL.?

We all know ‘it takes two to tango’ – and it’s true for fighting also.?

Even if it’s just one of the parties that has the intention to resolve the issue at hand, it puts everybody on the path to peace.?

When you treat somebody with respect and have the intention to prevent or resolve a potential conflict, people will feel it right away and respond in kind.?

If we stay calm and use language that is tactful, and use body language that is ‘peaceful’ (non-threatening), even if you are very angry, you lessen the discomfort in the room, you make the other party feel like it’s a safe environment to share information honestly in, you are on your way to a very fast recovery and resolution.?

Some of these things are very basic, we all know them, but the problem with us humans, is that we are trigger-happy, we tend to find it easier to be negative, to criticize and to judge people than to be happy, inspiring and kind.?

One thing that’s always very important to remember is that if something or someone bugs you at work – no matter how right you are, and how things need to change, or the other person needs to change, always start with yourself.?

Why is that important?

Because you want to understand yourself and your triggers and reactions and emotions first, and you want to discover the root cause, and not just treat the ‘symptoms’. There is always something underlying the surface, that we can’t see at first. And THAT is what we need to treat, not the superficial signs on the surface.?

Also, believe it or not:?

It is a chain reaction, but a good one:?

once you dissolve any negativity in you, your reactions will?change automatically, which will cause the other party to respond differently too.?

Don’t ever forget to be non-judgmental with yourself, even when you feel like you should feel bad about what you’ve done. There is no need to do that. Don’t regret anything, don’t look back for the sake of wanting to find resolution through negative feelings. Nothing good will ever come of that. If you want to look back, do it only with the intention to learn something from it. That’s it. Otherwise, move onto finding resolution through dissolving traumas quickly and easily, letting go of any negativity, and start clean slate.?

To quote: Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin & Robert Cialdini. : “Yes!.”?

“More generally, though, it’s extremely important to recognize what emotional state or mood you are in before you make an important decision, begin a crucial negotiation, or even respond to an unfriendly or aggressive email.

For example, suppose you have the task of negotiating the financial terms of your contract with a vendor. If you’ve just gone through an emotional experience, even though you might think your decision-making ability would be unaffected, you should consider holding off on the negotiation process. This short delay will allow time for those emotions to subside, allowing you to make more rational choices.?

Even if you’re not experiencing a particularly acute emotional feeling, it would generally be good practice in any high-value decision-making situation to allow a period of time to pass in order to compose yourself.?

Often, people schedule meetings back to back as a matter of convenience. However, by giving yourself a short break between meetings, you’ll reduce the likelihood that the feelings generated by an emotionally charged meeting don’t spill over into the next— especially if the second meeting is one in which you’ll need to make budget or purchasing decisions.”?

“Finally, those of us looking to influence others’ decisions should also be aware of the role that mood plays. Of course, it would be both unwise and wrong to attempt to persuade someone who has just been saddened by a piece of information—or even worse, to bring up some topic that will put the other person in a gloomy mood (e.g., “Hey, I heard the bad news about your dog—on an unrelated note, here’s the price I can offer for our deal”). Such decisions will often lead to regret and do little to build long-term relationships with others. In fact, by offering to postpone negotiations with someone who has just?had a negative emotional experience, you’ll strengthen your relationship by making yourself seem noble, caring, and wise, which are three priceless characteristics of anyone who wishes to be more influential.”?

Remember: forgiving is only hard, when it’s based on the fear, that if you forgive, you won’t be protected against the next bad thing happening to you.... ‘If I forgive him, he’ll do it again’. Or he will not respect me. Or you’re scared that you won’t be prepared for the hurt and disappointment, if you let go of the anger and pain. So we hold onto it in order to protect ourselves. Unfortunately, with holding onto anger, we achieve the opposite effect: we not only do not protect ourselves, we end up drawing in the same kind of bad people and events into our lives. Whatever we are ‘weak’ to, is what we end up experiencing over and over again.?

With all that anger that you hold onto, you’re really not hurting that other person, you’re hurting yourself emotionally, psychologically and, eventually, physically. Your health will start to deteriorate and you won’t have a clue why.?

And HEALTH is the number 1 priority.


Because without it, you can’t work, you can’t make money and you can’t enjoy life and have fun.?

Forgiving is for yourself, for your inner peace and happiness, so you can feel lighter. The less negative you are, the nicer you are to people. And the nicer you are to people, the nicer they will be with you.?

According to Dr. Mark Waldman, a neuroscience researcher, feelings of resentment toward others will undermine your health, happiness and financial success. Unforgiveness disrupts the motivation centers in your brain. In order to replace the angry and resentful and hateful feelings, neuroscientific research shows, you need to send kind thought to yourself and then to your perpetrator. (not even thinkable at first! but just keep trying it, it will become easier and easier with time)

You can also do any of the healing exercises at the at the end of this text to let go of or get rid of those negative feelings, triggers and memories quickly and easily.?

The exercises:?

When you are before negotiations, or a meeting or mediation, or just plan on having a talk with a partner about something that’s disturbing you, look into yourself and ask: what is it that’s truly stressing me out? Am I afraid? Of what? Do I feel....? Why??

It will come down to a feeling... If you can recognize and define it clearly and precisely, you can let go of it with a magnet swipe over your head or a couple of minutes of EFT Tapping, or holding your fingers in the Healing Code positions for 6 minutes. Whichever works best and fastest for you, or any mindfulness activities. (some description at the end)?

The only time you might have an issue with experiencing relief or result with any negative emotion, is when you don’t find the true and real underlying cause of your problem.?

Most of the time the hardest part is finding out what the real and true cause of how you’re feeling is. If no relaxation, meditation, tapping, mindfulness or healing methods help, then contact somebody who is good at that. And you’ll be emotionally free within minutes.?

Here are a few techniques you can use on yourself to relax your nervous system, trigger some acupuncture points in order to correct the energy flow in your body, therefore to start feeling differently, lighter and relieved -AND thinking differently as well.?

  1. Follow any of Dr. Mark Waldman’s instructions. He is a neuroscience researcher and has some very simple, fast solutions for any negative feelings or thoughts that come up during the day. He is on the faculty of the Executive MBA program at Loyola Marymount University’s College of Business and the Holmes Institute.
  2. EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping (Nick Ortner)
  3. A swipe over your head with a magnet – Dr. Brad Nelson (The Emotion Code, The Body Code)
  4. The Healing Code – Dr. Alex Loyd
  5. This one is for people who have some more experience with meditation – it’s to run your ‘physical thought’ up and down your spine while recognizing the underlying cause or subconscious belief and emotion standing in the way and let go- DELETE.?
  6. Positive Intelligence (Techniques) - Shirzad Chamine; that are all based on neuroscience research and studies and mostly comprise of mindfulness techniques.
  7. Neuro Linguistic Programming
  8. Different types and methods of meditation

1. Dr. Mark Waldman He is on the faculty of the Executive MBA program at Loyola Marymount University’s College of Business

1. A Stanford University research study discovered that people who truly believed that they had unlimited willpower are far more likely to succeed. Willpower is a state of mind and if you believe you have unlimited amount of it, you’ll be able to change your behavior in order to achieve your goals.?

In this case we’re talking about working out a win-win negotiation with a person that we’ve been involved in conflict with. Words are powerful. They are powerful not just in terms of influencing others but also ourselves. Instead of saying “I should”, say ‘I can’, instead of “I must” say: “I will”.?

When you wake up in the morning and you say to yourself: I should resolve this issue with Peter today. I know I have to get through this somehow, otherwise this company will go down in flames. I’m sure you feel very negative even as you read it.?

Here’s how you can word it instead: I’ll talk to Peter today and see what his response is... I want to succeed in making the 150 million mark by the end of this quarter, I’m sure he does too. I like having coffee breaks and I’ll approach him with my proposal for a resolution today.?

2. Procrastination?

Some procrastination might be healthy, if it’s ‘active’, and it makes you more successful. Not running into something without gathering information and thinking it over or making a plan is clever, but if you catch yourself excessively worrying about something instead of acting on it, it will interfere with your memory and sour your personality.?

Write a list of all the reasons why you have a conflict with your partner and why you hesitate to resolve it – any fears, worries, etc.?

Relax completely and make sure you become absolutely non- judgmental. Then ask yourself if all these worries are really real, or are they imagined because of past negative experiences or some mental cyclic thinking habits that you can’t break, or something else... Your inner truth will give you the answers you need...?

3. Positivity?

Research shows that negative thoughts and feelings get embedded easily into our long-term memory but positive events or words just disappear almost instantaneously.?

Why? Anything that hurts us is a threat to survival.?

Survival is a deep-seated instinct.?

According to research you have to generate at least three positive thoughts for every negative thought. And if you can think of more than three, that’s even better... business productivity soars.?

And it’s true for your business relationships too. Instead of falling into a very natural human habit of finding faults and criticizing others, find ways to compliment even if you have conflicts with each other. It will help instantaneously.?

4. Business meditation?

Identify key words or values that you feel would help you overcome a problem or resolve a specific conflict ( peace, confidence, finding resolution, power, patience...)?

When you repeat that word to yourself, your brain will remember things from the past associated with that quality.?

After you find that word, say: I breathe in _____________. Do it for at least 60 seconds and you’ll feel more inspired and capable to achieving anything you set for yourself as a goal.?

5. Trust your intuition?

Your right prefrontal cortex is constantly generating worries and negative thoughts. ‘Oh my God, what if...’?

At the same time your left prefrontal lobe is generating solutions to all your imagined problems.?

There is a constant dialog between these two.?

If you relax and listen to this dialog, you can use your intuition in deciding which is right and what is the best action to take that serves your best interest. This is your inner wisdom, a neurological process that takes place in the insula and anterior cingulate.?

6. Take pleasure breaks?

You should take one every hour for one minute. It can be anything that makes you feel good – splash water on your face, stretch, or move around the office, lean back and go into the world of a pleasant daydream. Your brain will release dopamine from your motivation center and it will allow you to work harder, get more creative and relax better.?

Pleasure eliminates negative emotions like anger and fear. And before going into a difficult meeting, where you want to work out a win-win situation, the best thing to do is to go in with good intention, which is very hard to do if you are angry or revengeful.?

What they discovered was that the most effective way to quickly relax – no, it’s not to take deep breaths – is to yawn. I like to combine that with a stretch on my office chair and within seconds I feel different, happy and relaxed. Try it. It can’t hurt!?

2. EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique?

The amygdala is the area of the brain that gets activated when you’re under stress. It typically gets activated more by negative experiences, since it’s the fight or flight trigger area of the brain – which causes enormous stress.?

When your body is under stress, it secretes hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, also known as “stress hormones.”?

When you are filled with fear or anger or frustration, the body is under stress.

Tapping is one of the effective ways of releasing stress and also releasing the negative emotion or the stuck energy related to that negative emotion in your body. The beauty about it is that you can do it yourself at home.?

“Tapping involves tapping lightly on acupuncture points with your fingertips. These points on the body were first viewed in the laboratory in the 1960s, and have since been documented using Doppler ultrasound and thermal imaging equipment.?

Research findings confirm that these points are noticeably different from other points on the body, displaying high-density “nerve bundles” and muscle “trigger points.” Used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese medicine, acupuncture points are thought to carry information between the brain and body. Basically, they function like a super highway, passing information between the body and the subconscious mind.

Tapping on these points has been shown to produce fast and dramatic results.” – Nick Ortner?

Since tapping engages acupressure points while also lowering cortisol level, tapping, just like acupuncture, may allow the body to release the endorphins that put you in a more positive frame of mind, boost your energy, concentration and creativity, improve your sleep and relieve physical pain.

“These positive changes that happen in your brain and body during tapping are part of the body’s relaxation response. By lowering cortisol in the body, tapping sends a calming message to the amygdala” - Nick Ortner?

The Tapping Points?

These points are: Karate chop Eyebrow

Side of the eye Under the eye Under nose Chin Collarbone Under arm Top of head?

Where are those points? Nick Ortner’s sister, Jessica, shows you here:?


How to do it??

Be very specific about the issue you want to relieve. It helps a lot if you state to yourself also the level of disturbance you feel emotionally on a scale from 0-10.?

Then you state your issue, while you tap lightly with your fingertips on your karate chop point:?

‘Even though I have this feeling or issue or problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.’?

You repeat the statement while tapping three times. For example:?

‘Even though I’m furious with my partner because he abandoned me and my firm, I still love myself unconditionally’.?

Then you tap through all the points with short phrases about your problem and your thoughts and feelings. Go through this process three times with all the negative feelings and thoughts, and bring up any and all negativity you can from your subconscious to the surface, so you can clear them and let go of them as fast as possible. Dig as deep as you can. Then go through the process of tapping on all the points with all the positive feelings, thoughts and solutions you can.?

Rate the feeling intensity at the end. It should have come down from the previous number!?

I’ll go through an example for you to demonstrate:?

Karate chop:

‘Even though I’m furious with my partner because he abandoned me and my firm, I still love myself unconditionally’.?

Repeat two more times. Then:?

Eyebrow: I’m so furious, I don’t know what to do with myself?

Side of the eye: I want to kill him

Under the eye: no, I should just sue him

Under nose: he ruined my life?

Chin: that’s it! That was his intention from the beginning?

Collarbone: the bastard

Under arm: I’ll make him pay

Top of head: all this pain and misery I have to go through?

Eyebrow: how am I going to survive now??

Side of the eye: all this stress

Under the eye: all this anger

Under nose: all this hatred

Chin: I have to support my family Collarbone: and take care of my employees ???????????????????Under arm: I hate my life?

Top of head: everybody always abandons me?

Eyebrow: I know I should have never taken a partner Side of the eye: my father abandoned me too

Under the eye: that bastard

Under nose: why do you have a kid if you don’t want one?

Chin: I feel so worthless?

Collarbone: so alone Under arm: so lonely

Top of head: I’m panicking?

Eyebrow: I’ll never find a good partner

Side of the eye: people suck

Under the eye: I always attract the worst

Under nose: It’s just my fate for people to abandon me Chin: There must be something wrong with me Collarbone: I am such a failure?

Under arm: nobody will ever support me Top of head: just like my dad never did?

Eyebrow: but let me keep tapping

Side of the eye: I can feel my body starting to relax Under the eye: it’s okay to go through hardships in life Under nose: I survived when my Dad left

Chin: I’m going to survive now too

Collarbone: I’m a survivor?

Under arm: I know business

Top of head: I’ll get back on my feet any day?

Eyebrow: if he had to go, it’s all for the best

Side of the eye: everything has a reason

Under the eye: I did everything the best way I know

Under nose: There are good people out there

Chin: maybe somebody younger and more ambitious will be better

Collarbone: he won’t be lazy or backstabbing

Under arm: this time I’ll listen to my intuition

Top of head: I deserve a good partner?

Eyebrow: I’ll find the right person

Side of the eye: somebody is out there for everybody Under the eye: and that’s true, not just for dating Under nose: I’m a super person to work with

Chin: I treat people with respect and honesty Collarbone: the right person will come along

Under arm: I’m ready for a new beginning

Top of head: and this time I’ll get it right.?

3. A magnet swipe over your head – Dr. Brad Nelson?

Dr. Brad Nelson was a chiropractor for a couple of decades and if you watch any of his webinars on the web, he says rolling/running a magnet (that you can buy for your fridge, when you travel) over the forehead and head will erase those identified negative emotions.?

For example, you might have discovered that besides your anger and frustration, your major issue is with abandonment, you can swipe or run a magnet over your forehead and head from front to back and it should release it.?

If you have trouble defining what you are feeling, you can download a free emotion code chart from the Internet.?

4. The Healing Code – Dr. Alex Lloyd?

This method involves no tapping or touching any point on your body only performing a sequence of movements with fingers of both hands pointing to certain areas around your head – your fingertips clustered together, so the energy from the end of your fingers can focus onto those areas.?

  • Bridge of nose – in between the eyebrows
  • Adam’s apple – directly over the Adam’s apple
  • Jaws – on the bottom back corner of the jawbone, on both sides of the head
  • Temples – one half inch above the temple, and one half inch toward the back of the head, on both sides of the head
  • Hold each position for 30 seconds and go through all four positions three times, which makes it 6 minutes. While you do this, the energy will move in your body.
  • These are energy trigger points, and the main thing for you to focus on is the problematic feeling at first, so you know what you want to change and correct in your life. Have the intention for it to move and to be processed, so you can be free of it. Then let go of it, and let your body relax and work it out. After 6 minutes you should feel either completely or partially be free of it. It depends of the depth of the problem.?

Focus on yourself and observe your body. Everybody’s experience of ‘change’ is different. For me, the sign of the issue leaving and my body letting go of whatever it was that was bugging me, is a very big sigh. Suddenly my whole body is totally relaxed. It usually happens after 4 minutes into the ‘process’.?

You’ll perceive benefits from the relaxation and the introspection into your problems; It also reduces physiological stress in the body, (which is detrimental to our health.)?

You have nothing to lose by trying! Wish you a lot of luck and success!?

If you don’t have the time to try or do all?these exercises and you need help to speed things up, as well as delegating this activity to somebody to get it done the right way, I’m happy to be at your service.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me:

Email: [email protected]

On LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/teri-sutyinszki-8a08aa144/

Website: https://haveitall100.wixsite.com/website

Phone (call or text)

US: 1-737-231-9505

WhatsApp: +49 176 3250 2596

POWER TO YOU! HAVE IT ALL! ??????????????????

And I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Teri Sutyinszki


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