How to- In content writing:Ep:1

How to- In content writing:Ep:1

In this fast-paced environment, people do not have time to read. They scan a few words and the hooking title, makes them read more. Attention span of Godfish is higher than the average human. So what makes one read your copy/content? It seems that it is needed. Your good writing can go into thrash if there is no audience. So before you start crafting something, you should have the audience in mind. No company creates products and then finds an audience. They research well, analyse the market and know there is a gap for such a product and people find it difficult to manage without that product. Companies make clever decisions in placing that much-needed product in the much-needed environment. It is like a scuba diver coming up to the surface for fresh air. Sell him oxygen, he will buy it.

Keeping this in mind, you select an audience say I am going to write for a young audience age somewhere from 15-30 years. This is the first step. Try to know what they like and dislike. If they are a generation of podcast listeners, selling them books won't work. Being mindful of the audience would save you time and money for the people who hire you as well.

Playing with their niche makes your content reach more people. Usage of clever words and wordplay helps a consumer to make decisions much quicker."Finger-lickin' good" Does it ring a bell? Yeah, these three words have brought a bright smile to most of your faces. This is enough for people to recognize a legacy, a brand, and their best-selling product followed by an increase in business. Words with robust edits can bring in a lot of power over people's choices. What differentiates prose from a poem? Usage and arrangement of words. A group of words make prose and again a group of carefully curated words maketh a poem. short is cute. Manage your copies or works to have minimal words. Remember, a goldfish does better than an average human!

Negativity ropes in a lot of publicity. It makes eyes pop, heads turn and even break an ankle. At the same time, it creates agitation, anxiety and a bad impression in the minds of people. So always go with positive words. People tend to rely more on positive words. They inherently love people who have charisma or rizz. They have a positive smile, affirmative words and an aura which attracts people towards them. Likewise, positive words bring in a lot of power and confidence in people to instil them among young audiences. 5 ways to die attract a lot of negativity and on the other hand, 5 ways to enhance your mood attract positive results and increased circulation among the audience. After all we all require happiness in life.

We all know to run our daily errands. Yet we rely on professionals. People believe in other people's words rather than themselves. These help motivational books to sell at breakneck volumes and motivational speakers gain traction overall. This pattern helps us to understand the power of opinions we get from outside. They directly influence us on any decision we make. Our uncle suggested the Engineering college, our aunt suggested the girl's family, our grandpa suggested the bike model and our father suggested taking up the business. Humans evolve to believe others rather than their instincts. This plays a pivotal in content too. If you have made it to this part, I am successful in convincing you to read about the content and gain knowledge. Each and everybody is important. Each like increases our confidence. Each engagement brings in new prospects. We as humans love the limelight.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Have confidence in your writing
  3. Use concise passages
  4. Go with your gut.
  5. Have a positive mindset
  6. Play with your strength

Thank you for your time!

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