How tiny can KumoMTA go?

How tiny can KumoMTA go?

On Friday (17 Jan 2024) I shared a small post about how easy it is to build a tiny test install of KumoMTA, but I may not have been clear on exactly how tiny it can be.

In this post, I shared that it would install in AWS on 1 vCPU, 1Mb RAM, and 25Gb of storage, but after the install and sending a test message, there is actually 22Gb left on that drive.

In fairness, this was a minimal install of Ubuntu and I have not installed any additional applications or any support utilities - Ubuntu recommends 8Gb for good reasons. However, I wanted to make clear that the KumoMTA binary itself only takes up 55Mb and even with some basic security, this can mean a much smaller footprint than I mentioned in the post.

This opens some really interesting possibilities in the area of embedded systems and notification processes. I may need to fire up a Raspberry Pi Project ;-)

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