How Time Tracking Helps Employees Eliminate Bad Work Habits

How Time Tracking Helps Employees Eliminate Bad Work Habits

If your team’s productivity is slowly declining — the cause might be deeper than you’d think.

Whether your team misses deadlines often, can’t focus or communicate well — it’s time you question their working habits.

In this short article, we give you hands-on tips on how time tracking helps your team eliminate poor work habits.

*This article is an abridged, adapted version of the blog post originally published on the Clockify blog:

#1: Time tracking keeps a thorough track of your goals

You and your team probably have certain goals and targets you work to attain — but do you track the time you spend on such goals?

If your answer is no, read on.

Setting time-bound goals is more important than you think:

  • It helps you monitor goal progress,
  • It helps your team stay accountable, and
  • It avoids wasting your resources.

Now, if you’re wondering how to track time on your goals, consider using an app that does all the heavy lifting.?

Tracking goals made easy in Clockify

Whether you want to break down your projects into more manageable tasks, track progress on each task, or set estimates or rates — Clockify does it all and more.?

With an app like Clockify, your employees have their eyes on the goal, and you gain valuable insights into their progress and efficacy.

#2: Time tracking helps your team sharpen their prioritization skills

Perhaps the performance downfall in your team stems from their difficulty in setting priorities and focusing on what matters most.?

Luckily, there’s a prioritization technique that employees can implement into their working habits called time blocking.

This prioritization technique helps employees divide their workday into blocks of time. What’s even better is that powerful apps like Clockify offer time blocking as a part of their features for easy and automatic task management.

For instance, you can create a time block from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Fixing bugs in ProjectX (just like in the image below).

Time blocking in Clockify

As easy as that, employees can create a perfect calendar for their upcoming week/s and get a visual insight into their tasks and responsibilities.

No more damaging work habits such as multitasking or breaking deadlines.

#3: Time tracking ensures regular employee breaks?

Taking too many breaks (or no break at all) can result from not tracking employee time.?

Namely, with no record of when and for how long your employees take breaks, you lose control over how corporate time is spent.?

We’re not saying you should sit and monitor your employees’ every move — but have a better understanding of their performance and their well-being as well.?

In fact, research claims that rested employees enjoy several benefits, such as making better decisions and working more productively and creatively.

To easily and automatically track your employee break time, turn to Clockify. So, whenever they want to take a break from work, employees should simply select Break mode from the drop-down menu and click Start.?

Tracking employee breaks in Clockify

But there’s more — Clockify can export those time logs in a CSV or Excel file, allowing you to have detailed reports on your employee non-work hours.?

#4: Time tracking fights off workplace distractions

It’s no secret that distractions in the workplace are the leading productivity killers. Not only do distractions affect the quality of work, but they also prolong task completion.?

Now, if you decide to implement time tracking within your organization, your employees will be able to:

? Organize their time properly,

? Improve their focus,?

? Distinguish between work time and rest periods,

? Maintain high motivation levels, and much more.?

Just like with recording break time, you can let your employees easily record their work hours using Clockify.

Time tracking in Clockify

All they need to do is:

  1. Write what they are working on,
  2. Choose a project,?
  3. Click Start to begin recording their work hours, and
  4. Click Stop when they finish.

All time logs are automatically saved in the app where you later get detailed reports on employee work hours.

As you can see, time tracking provides you with critical time entry data, increasing your employees’ productivity and overall well-being.?

Enhance productivity with Clockify



