How Tibor Shanto gets 4-5 call-backs from every 10 voicemails left, and usually within 72 hours?

How Tibor Shanto gets 4-5 call-backs from every 10 voicemails left, and usually within 72 hours?

What is your current success rate with voicemail? How many return calls do you get for every 10 messages you leave, within 72-hours?

? I don’t leave voicemails

? Less than 20%

? Between 20% - 50%

? Over 50%

If you answered with a 50% success rate…that’s a job well done. Keep it up!

(Now skip to the bottom to find out how Tibor does it)

Working in sales, we make hundreds of phone calls each day. Yet, the truth is, calls don’t get picked up most of the time. 

There has been a constant debate on whether or not to have voicemail as a touchpoint in your sales process. Voicemails can be a powerful touchpoint when included in the overall outreach strategy to get your prospects into the pipeline.

It may not elicit an instant response from your prospect like we expect them to, but it’s probably the only way if you want to communicate with someone when you can’t reach them on call.  

Here are a few reasons why voicemails fail

  • You don’t have a clear objective 
  • There is no well-thought-out script on what you plan to say to your prospect 
  • Sounding 'salesy' instead of making a connection with your prospect 
  • Your message is too short or lost in translation which leaves your prospect confused 
  • Not giving your prospect a context or a compelling reason to call you back 
  • Your voice doesn’t exude clarity, confidence, or credibility 
  • Being very passive and waiting for your prospect to instantly call you back 
  • You don’t verify your contact list to check if they’re the right contact 
  • You don’t leave your name or connect at the end or beginning of the message 

Does your voicemail sound like any of these? We are now on the same page! 

Leaving a perfect voicemail is a critical skill in sales, as it provides you that extra avenue to tell your story to the right prospect as many times. 

According to ZoomInfo, the average response rate from one voicemail is 4.8%. While you won’t be able to bundle all of the information in your short voicemail, a good follow up email with video or a video on Linkedin Inmails will build that credibility and context. 

Your prospect will also get to see your personality and a face to the name and voice they heard. Sales is all about humanizing your connection and offering value to your prospect. And voicemails are no different, it can make or break your chances of making that significant connection with your prospect. 

That’s why we teamed up with Tibor Shanto (Chief Sales Office at Renbor Sales Solutions, Inc) and created a free 7-day mini-course on Voicemails.

Register for the free 7-day REAL Voicemail+ program with Tibor Shanto (register now, watch anytime)

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In this course, you will learn the exact techniques Tibor uses to get 4-5 call-backs from every 10 voicemails left and that too within 72 hours! And not just that, you will also learn how to build your Pursuit Plan, by tapping into the benefits of multi-mode of communication and powering up the game by adding video emails and InMails along with voicemails. 

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s covered: 

  • Day 1: How to use voicemail which is the missing link to your phone pursuit 
  • Day 2: Learn why and how to avoid being shunted into voicemail limbo. Learn critical mistakes you can avoid, and what to replace it with.
  • Day 3: Learn how to elevate any pursuit plan by adding video at critical points along with the pursuit.
  • Day 4: A detailed outline of the step by step approach that works for Tibor Shanto
  • Day 5: How to extend your message by extending your choice of medium of communication
  • Day 6: Addresses concerns on voicemail technique and gives you the means and confidence to succeed with your pipeline.
  • Day 7: A focus on ‘see you’ than ‘goodbye’ -- ensuring that your leads are recyclable and reproachable 

Sounds interesting?

Now, who's Tibor Shanto?

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For over 25 years, Tibor has been helping sales teams and organizations to better execute their sales process and improve their revenue goals. And who best can you learn from? It’s not hard to leave a good voicemail — just arm yourself with some nuances and by the time you know it, you will be getting more callbacks, more conversations, and more sales. 

Ready to nail your voicemails game?

Register for the free 7-day REAL Voicemail+ program with Tibor Shanto and get instant access to the secret (register now, watch anytime)

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Before you close this...

I just hope you found it helpful.

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Bala Pratip Raj V

Business Development Manager | Customer Success, Sales Account Management, Key Accounts Management | Ex - Impelsys & Zoho | Host - Chennaikaaran Tamil Podcast

4 年

This is going to really be helpful and I tried to register but the form wouldn't accept anything other than Work emails. Unfortunately I'm not working with any Organization right now, is there any way that I could get access to this workshop? Will be very helpful Sanjana. Thanks in advance.

Lakshmanan Raman

Lead Growth & Partnerships at Vmaker AI - Online AI Video Editor from Animaker

4 年

The way he gets to the details are simply ?? Tibor Shanto

Chameli Kuduva

Founder, SaaS Insider & EventHQ.

4 年

Raghav Shankar check this out

Kingston David

Global Comms Strategy | Exec Comms | Product PR Specialist | Crisis Comms Expert | Social Media Advisor

4 年

Anil Virachari Check this out!


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