How To THRIVE In Any Kind of Chaos

How To THRIVE In Any Kind of Chaos

During an unstable economy, breakups, stagnation, or financial stress, this simple outline will ensure you come out on top, every time. (Full class here)

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Two years ago, I felt my mind and my body go numb as I stood in the dark bedroom of a Mexico City apartment. June was cold, and I felt it hard that day.

The love of my life (at the time) and I were falling apart. He was hundreds of miles away in a mansion in Florida. And here I was, chilled to the bone from weather and the sudden impending heartbreak.

As I stood there, there was one line that got me through this moment, this time, and still remains today, that I whispered to myself in the dark:

"I have to do the best I can for myself, so I can win either way."

The First Step To Thriving...

1. Don't Panic

It can be scary, daunting, unsettling to be in a situation you've never been in before and have no idea what to do next. You may feel vulnerable or wounded, or scared.

Deep Breathes. Count down from 10 to 1.

Nothing in the moment is ever as bad as it seems. Even if it is, it is GUARANTEED not to last.

When we can remain calm in our minds and body, we are able to think of solutions instead of problems. Feeling irrational will cause us to act irrationally.

Whatever situation we're in right now it isn't a problem - it's an opportunity.

Now..Where are we?

Now is the time to take a look around you, and assess where you're at.

Physically. Mentally. Emotional.

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2. We must take responsibility.

Life may not be easy, but it is predictable. We can guarantee that certain things will come again and again.

If you follow a plan, you may not be able to avoid the cycle, but you will be able to change and improve the way you power through each time.

We must admit that no matter where we're at - We got ourselves here.

Most of us don't like to admit it. We don't like to admit that it was us who took wrong turns on the bike, who are now lost in the middle of the woods.

But if you're riding a bike, ignoring all the signs and just going on your merry way - whom can you blame? Certainly not the bike. And doing so won't get you out of being lost.

We must admit we took these turns so we can face our reality and assess where to go next.

Plain and simple - If we can't face where we're at, we won't know how to get to where we want to go.

And if we can't take responsibility for being there, we can't take the action necessary to get out of there.

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3. Create a Solid Routine

If we've assessed where we're at, and we're taking responsibility for getting there, we obviously know there are some things we need to change.

We need to create something new.

Routines are the secret ingredient to a well-oiled engine that is able to keep going when low on gas, and its extra speed when fully capable.

Who do you REALLY want to become? Do you have idols, mentors, friends that inspire you or that you want to be like?

The best version of yourself is going to require small changes that are implemented daily.

The compound interest over time is what gets you those lasting results.

The habitual nature is something you're able to fall back on and depend upon when the going gets rough.

You won't have to think about the future if you can't. You just do what you're used to doing, and then you win.

When my heart was breaking, I locked in a solid routine that would guarantee me success.

Wake up early. Exercise. Do hair and makeup.

Read four books a month. Study a new language. Give your all in work.

That way, even when the engine stops feeling like a well-oiled machine, you know it will get you where you want to go.

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4. Build or Solidify a Solid Foundation

"A person cannot get better in the same place they got sick"

Your environment is going to make or break you at some point. Are the people around you helping or hurting?

Are you helping or hurting the people around you?

A solid routine can help cure a lot of things. But if our families and the people closest to us aren't supportive, it will be 10 times easier to slide back into bad habits.

You need to get on the same page.

There's no time like the present than to sit down with your partner or spouse and to figure these things out together. Where do you both want to go? Where do you both want to be? Make a plan to do it together.

As for other friends and family - create a list of those you can actually rely on and go to no matter what. This is your support system. Your solid foundation. The people who will have your back no matter what. That way, you have people to call upon when things go south.

When I was in Mexico, I was almost totally alone. I created my foundation by hiring a therapist. I had one friend who helped take my mind off the situation by watching movies with me.

It doesn't matter the amount, it just matters the quality. Make sure your foundation is solid.

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Last but not Least

5. Expand, Don't Contract

Whether we're heartbroken, in a rut, or in a financial crisis, like right now - the first thing we want to do is hole up and keep ourselves safe.

We hide ourselves.

Which means we are unseen.

Companies want to start cutting their losses and cutting their employees. They stop spending money so the business stops coming in.

We assume no one has money or no one wants to buy our products, so we stop selling.

During times of crisis, we need to remain in expansion. We don't need to curl up, we need to be seen, heard, noticed so people will come to us.

Economies don't collapse because of pandemics. They collapse because people stop spending money. People forget there are ways to sell things, even if we are locked inside.

The truth is, we can make anything work. We just need to remember to keep expanding, not contracting. To keep thinking of solutions, not problems.

Even if you now suddenly have to work from home or are stranded in Mexico City.

If you're interested in taking a deep dive for yourself to figure out what the exact next steps are for you, feel free to take the class offered here on Sundays, or book a private call with me here, where we go over every area of your life to overcome potential blocks, barriers, and beliefs that no longer serve you.



Dr. Edward Koutnik

Business Owner | Consultant | Optometrist ??

4 年

All the way up on this one Elise! Great work. Especially Love the part about taking personal responsibility. Two years ago I watched my dad wither away from pancreatic cancer. This article reminded me of the self-work I had to do to pull myself out of that place. Thanks for shining a light and helping others! As a side note, the killers were on repeat that year!

Elisa Robyn

Author, Speaker, Mentor and Consultant.

4 年

Our lives have always been unpredictable, and the world has always presented us with challenges. We have thrived in the past and will do so again.

Elise Micheals ?? - Genuine Messages Daily I really like what you stand for on LinkedIn. It is a breathe of genuine air to the linear chatter around corporate process. All of our minds work differently and it is nice to see the way in which people think in general but your language is powerful, please keep sharing for us who love to read. - bret

Tammy Holt, MBA

Storyteller | Content Creator | Editor | Captivating Brand Narrator | I help companies reach their target audience through storytelling and strategy | #ONO

4 年

I love this article, Elise! Very insightful and wise advice to help in times of uncertainty. Thank you for sharing!

Chad Gono

Work Doesn’t Have to Suck! | CEO @Regal Plastics

4 年


