How Threeps implements responsible ad campaigns to reduce your CO2 emissions

How Threeps implements responsible ad campaigns to reduce your CO2 emissions

Did you know that the digital industry is more damaging to the environment than even the airline industry? Thanks to the energy needs of the internet, every digital campaign that agencies and brands put out online emits more carbon dioxide than the average British consumer emits in six months!

So the need to reduce the digital industry's carbon footprint is more pressing than ever, particularly with the world focusing heavily and urgently on environmentally friendly solutions to the worsening climate crisis.

The good news is that Threeps can implement responsible advertising campaigns to reduce your brand's CO2 emissions, leveraging the existing social benefits that this form of responsible advertising offers and taking it one step further to reduce carbon emissions.

For example:

1. Smart file sizing

Threeps can help to reduce the load on servers by offering options for different file sizes and resolutions for ad campaigns. We do this by offering CO2 calculations for each option, set against the creatives produced for each campaign. This allows you to choose the degree of image resolution and quality that works for your needs whilst respecting the environment. And remember, this powerful environmental awareness message is one that your customers will respond to. Yes, you may have chosen a resolution that is a little less crisp than other advertisers - but your content will stand out for having a strong environmental stance; one that customers care far more about and will respect.

2. Data-driven decision making

Threeps offers guidance from a recognised carbon calculator and can use this to optimise file management. One of the biggest emitters of CO2 in the digital industry comes from file sharing. Every piece of content that is created, opened and shared requires energy and servers. These all emit greenhouse gases which we are trying to avoid. By reducing file sizes, we can take a conscious decision to reduce the amount of carbon needed to host them online.

3. Better file management

A third option surrounds ad compression. Again, we reduce file sizes as far as possible for each campaign to reduce carbon emissions when these files are created, opened, engaged with and shared. By doing this, we positively impact every campaign and its eco-friendly approach, without reducing quality or the end result.

4. Messaging and communication

With the Threeps solution, brands choose the messaging that they want to share with customers about their responsible advertising campaign. Much of this messaging will be around the opportunity that viewers have to donate money to charity at no cost to themselves, simply by watching a short online advert. But brands can also include content that explains their approach to better and more responsible online advertising to save the environment.

It's yet another example as to how Threeps helps businesses and brands to optimise their digital marketing results, with all of the traditional wins that a great online marketing campaign can generate but with additional benefits of social and environmental responsibility (and increased brand value as a result).

Contact us to find out more about how we can help your business with the new wave of digital marketing - and to stand out amongst the crowd, for all the right reasons.

