How Three Federal Judges Conspired to Camouflage a Credit Union Criminal Conspiracy
By Carlton Roark

How Three Federal Judges Conspired to Camouflage a Credit Union Criminal Conspiracy

At this Scribd link is evidence filed in a bankruptcy trial court on, and after, July 11, 2022 proving a criminal conspiracy by attorneys, who as officers of the court, perpetrated extrinsic and other fraud on the court schemes over a period of eight years in state and federal courts prior to July, 11, 2022, against a former credit union employee (Carlton Roark) and witness to their crimes with others.

The attorneys for all opposing parties were funded by San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU), North Island Financial Credit Union (NIFCU), now a division of California Credit Union (CCU) and their mutual insurer CUNA Mutual (nka TruStage) owned by 5,000+ other credit unions, to enforce the provision below in confidential SDCCU employee separation agreements, per the top of page 3-ER-589, Dkt #2, for pending Ninth Circuit Court Case No. 23-55750 (or page 670 here), to conceal wrongdoing by initially only SDCCU, and later by NIFCU/CCU, CUNA Mutual, their attorneys and many others.

Anti-Whistleblower Provision Used by San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU) in Confidential Employee Separation Agreements that Prohibit Raising Allegations of SDCCU Wrongdoing with Governmental Agencies

The case was assigned to Judge Laura S. Taylor, a former Chief Bankruptcy Court Judge who was more importantly, also a former attorney of 21 years with the local Sheppard Mullin Law firm, where some of her colleagues (prior to July 11, 2022) were evidenced in the case assigned to her, perpetrating extrinsic and other fraud on the court schemes against other judges in state and federal courts (i.e. federal crimes) with opposing counsel over eight years, on behalf of, and to conceal other crimes by, credit unions, et al. The court postponed the scheduled August 24, 2022 motion hearing to September 14, 2022 and reassigned the case to Chief Bankruptcy Court Judge[1] Christopher B. Latham.

After evidence was filed proving Sheppard Mullin attorneys conspired with opposing counsel to have Jim Sevel, a non-neutral computer forensic expert with a concealed conflict of interest for SDCCU, first access and tamper with, Roark’s home PC hard drive, to use the tainted evidence to allege spoliation, and secure terminating sanctions against Roark, to strip him of due process to contest their use of other false allegations and fabricated evidence against Roark, Sheppard Mullin counsel's cavalier response to their criminality was as follows.

Page SER-204, Dkt #8-3, for pending Ninth Circuit Court Case No. 23-55750

Statement in July 26, 2022 Brief From Sheppard Mullin Counsel for SDCCU to Motion Filed by Roark on July 11, 2022 with Evidence They Conspired with Others to Defraud State and Federal Courts

In the September 14, 2022 motion hearing, Mr. Gerald M. Sims, the officer of the court for criminal co-conspirator NIFCU/CCU, stated about all the attorneys who took part in the criminal conspiracy to defraud state and federal courts over the prior eight years, that it was nothing because “…everybody knew…”, and had “…squared it away.” with themselves to assent to it.

?Per page 1-ER-146, Dkt #2, for pending Ninth Circuit Court Case No. 23-55750

Statement by Counsel for NIFCU/CCU in the September 14, 2022 Motion Hearing Acknowleding that Atoorneys for All Opposing Parties Knew They Were Defrauding State and Federal Courts.

In the September 14, 2022 motion hearing, Ms. Lisa Yun Pruitt, the Sheppard Mullin officer of the court for SDCCU repeatedly attempted to reframe Roark’s FRCP Rule 60(d)(3) motion for extrinsic fraud on the court schemes in state and federal trial courts by Sheppard Mullin attorneys as officers of the court for SDCCU, with opposing counsel, (a far more serious offense with no statute of limitations), as an FRCP Rule 60(b) motion, for run-of-the-mill extrinsic fraud, to assert a time bar for an FRCP Rule 60(b) motion, while acknowledging the exception to it pursuant to Roark’s cited legal authorities. ?

Per page 1-ER-144), Dkt #2, for pending Ninth Circuit Court Case No. 23-55750

Attempt by Sheppard Mullin Counsel for SDCCU to Deceitfully Reframe Roark's FRCP Rule 60(d)(3) Motion as an FRCP Rule 60(b) Motion to Defeat It

To facilitate the scheme by the Sheppard Mullin officer of the court, Judge Latham (on behalf of Judge Taylor and Sheppard Mullin, her former law firm of 21 years), issues an Order (page 200-207) denying Roark’s FRCP Rule 60(d)(3) motion as if it sought relief under FRCP Rule 60(b).

When Roark files a motion for reconsideration (page 206-282) calling out Judge’s Latham’s error denying his first motion as an FRCP Rule 60(b) motion, Judge Latham denies that motion with an objectively false statement of material importance proving it, by falsely stating (3rd ?, page 284) that Roark’s motion “…sought relief under Rule 60(b) (ECF No. 71)”. Judge Latham does not cite where FRCP Rule 60(b) is cited in Roark’s motion, precisely because it was not there and was a blatant lie, to camouflage a criminal conspiracy by attorneys as officers of the court, “…to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice…” (2nd prong of 18 U.S.C. §1503), against rights (18 U.S.C. §241)!

On appeal in District Court (and to camouflage Chief Bankruptcy Court Judge Christopher B. Latham’s complicity), Judge Todd. W. Robinson restates all the false allegations and fabricated evidence Sheppard Mullin counsel was able to make uncontested due to their extrinsic fraud on the court schemes in state and federal courts. Worse yet, Judge Robinson rules that Roark’s evidence of a criminal conspiracy by attorneys as officers of the court to conceal their use of tainted and tampered with evidence, from a non-neutral computer forensic expert with a concealed conflict of interest for SDCCU the opposing party, used to strip Roark, a witness to federal crimes by SDCCU and others, of due process, a trial and other rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, state and federal laws, was evidence that “…only revealed a disqualifying conflict of interest…” (line 5 of page 97 here) that did not warrant disqualifying everything secured by tainted evidence from that non-neutral computer forensic expert with a“…disqualifying conflict of interest…” for SDCCU!

Judicial misconduct complaints against all three federal judges referenced above are now pending with the Ninth Circuit

[1] Chief Bankruptcy Court Judges are appointed by, and therefore have gravitas with, the District Court, on any appeal.

Carlton Roark

Commercial Real Estate Broker

7 个月

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