How are those big New Year’s Resolutions coming along?
Anita R. Henderson
Author Coach & Book Publishing Strategist. Turning high achievers into bestselling, award-winning authors.
Did you write down your goals, post them on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, and on the corkboard at your desk and vow to achieve them (this time)??
Did you make a vision board or vision box to display those goals and resolutions all year round as extra “motivation”?
You were so fired up and sure that you would get ‘er done that you committed to finishing the goals by the end of the first quarter. “I’m sure it won’t take the entire year. I can do this!” You told yourself.
And then poof, just like that it’s the end of January and you haven’t really done much in the way of accomplishing those goals.?
Damn, where did the month go?
Those holidays pounds (and maybe a few more) are still hanging around. You’re still craving a nicotine stick after every meal. And you’re no closer to adding “author of” to your bio than you were on January 1st.
Making the resolution to “Write my book this year” and actually doing it are two VERY different things.
January is the start of everything for the new year and it is very easy to get overwhelmed.?
It’s the new fiscal year for most businesses. There’s all that other stuff you want to accomplish that starts on Day 1 of the year. You’ve got career goals. Personal relationships to foster. Fitness goals and financial plans. Yikes!?
It can all be a lot.?
Commitment is what carries you through to the completion of any goal you set. Deciding to finally write your book typically sounds more like a “have to” than a “want to”. True commitment sounds more like, “I know what I have to share is going to help someone . . . lots of someones. And I know I have what it takes to write a great book that will change people’s lives.”??
Add to that a heaping helping of momentum, and you’ve set yourself up for success.
Momentum is that mojo you fire up well before you really get going with something.
?It’s that revved-up mental energy that screams, “I’m so freaking ready to do this! Nothing is going to stop me!”
Now, that’s what I’m talking about!
These two secret weapons — commitment and momentum — fuel the success of your goals. But you’ve got to start early, earlier than you think you need to, earlier than you feel one hundred percent ready, earlier than you did last year, and the year before that.?
Another year will be over before you know it. There’s no doubt you’re committed to writing the book this go-round. It’s time to get the momentum going now.
So, what are you going to do?
I hope you are going to get started NOW, like right now!?
All you have to do is click the link to schedule your Book Strategy Session today.?
Anita Henderson
The Author’s Midwife
Anita R. Henderson is president of The Write Image Consulting, LLC and creator of Write Your Life. Known as The Author’s Midwife, her work with corporate executives, coaches, and entrepreneurs has resulted in multiple award-winning books and has helped professionals grow their media and online visibility, speaker platforms, industry credibility, and overall confidence in their ability to write a compelling, high-quality book and leverage it in their business or career. If you are ready to become "author of” and you need a little help on your journey then schedule your Book Strategy Session today.?