How thirsty are the Germans?
The Germans are very very thirsty. Every year on average every German can drink around (below sums up)
- 120 liters of soft drink
- 155 liters of water
- 33 liters of juice
- 80 liters of tea
- 165 liters of coffee (surprising the No.1 favorite drinks, even more favorite thank beer as an adult drink)
- 110 liters of beer
Coco Cola is the leading supplier in german soft drink market. They have 80 different products in the Germany.
Of course beer is still the important drink in german's daily life. There are all together 1800 beer companies in Germany, producing 8000 different kinds of beers. According to legend, the founder of Sam Adams, Jim Koch, took his german grandfather's recipe as the foundation to produce the famous Sam Adams beer.
In Germany there are around 23,000 "Getr?nkemarkt". They sell bottled drinks. One can be totally amazed by the variety and abundance of drinks offered in these stores. It's almost a routine that german people show up on Saturday (because the stores are mostly closed on Sunday) pile up their shopping trolley with crates of drinks, including bottled water.
So, german people are really thirsty. But comparing to the Americans, who drink 155 liters soft drink per person per year, maybe germans are not yet that thirsty..