How to think like a journalist
After 16 years working in the newspaper industry it's second nature to me - but on Wednesday I'll be sharing some thoughts and tips at BIPC Norfolk to those who are looking to get their name out there.
Below is a tweet from the library service giving some info - they like the fact I smile a lot, though not sure about the snappy dresser, though I have refreshed my wardrobe recently.
2 days time: Ex-journalist (+ snappy dresser) @ShaunLowthorpe with media #BusinessPromotion tips - Don't miss out!
Here's a brief synopsis of what's going to happen - newspaper style
Talking about what journalists look for in a story and how to get their attention
Because start-ups need publicity and I want to help, and I'm a great supporter of the library service, so it made sense to combine the two
Wednesday April 12 6pm
Millennium Library Norwich
Telling them a bit about me, showing a slide or two, getting them to 'pitch' a story, and maybe a bit of a Q&A