How to Think Like a Business?Coach
Tyler Cerny
?? Married in Christ ?? International & Award-Winning Keynote Speaker ?? TEDx Speaker (2.5M+ Views) ??Watch My Viral Top 500 TEDx Talk Here??
I had the opportunity to interview the #1 ranked coach on One of the largest platforms to find coaches. He is one of about 300 hundred Focal Point Business Coaches named Robert (Bob) Reish. Not only is his certification through Focal Point extremely exclusive, but the core concepts and principles taught through this certification are inspired by the great, Brian Tracy.This exclusive certification that Bob had the opportunity to acquire allows him to have a paradigm on life that is hard to find.
The purpose of this interview was to extract his perspective and share it. My goal is to expand your paradigm and way of thinking by exposing you to new ideas and philosophies that could be used to better you life and business.
Bob’s journey to become a life coach was not always clear cut. As many other kids, Bob wanted to become a firefighter, policeman, or veterinarian. If you would have asked young Bob, “Can you see yourself becoming a business coach?” He would have looked at you in confusion. However, now reflecting back on life, becoming a business coach was the only option.
Bob has spent over 12,000 hours in the classroom learning and teaching others about what his passion, vocation, and what success looks like for a business coach. He was able to commit the time and energy into mastering his craft, because he believed this is what he was born to do.
The thought of becoming a business coach was planted [into his mind] by many mentors in his life including Brian Tracy and Dan Creed. Bob also mentioned that not everyone has had a positive influence on his career. In fact, there were many people that Bob encountered in life that did not have Bob’s best interest in mind and actually tried to use Bob for their own personal gain.
Bob states, “As I look back to my career and see how its built. It was based on stepping stones. Sometimes people who were not there to help me were the people who were just as valuable (as people who were) because if they didn’t make things uncomfortable and did not allow me to go a different direction that pushed me where I am at today. I thank them because their actions put me where I needed to be.”
Instead of describing these people with anger and frustration, Bob describes these interactions with a sense of peace and gratefulness. It’s absolutely incredible and refreshing. This is the type of person Bob Reish is. He is genuine, thoughtful, and positive. Unlike Creed and Tracy, the people that did not put Bob first actually helped Bob become the person he is today. Bob was able to learn from these people and use these interactions as stepping stones to become a more successful business coach, individual, and father.
(At Bob’s website, you can access an interview talking about stepping stones.)
He is grateful for every experience (good and bad) because he was able to learn something new. Abe Lincoln once said, “I learn something from everyone I meet. From most people, I learn what not to do.”
Learning more about Bob’s past and journey, I believed it had to be shared with the world. This blog documents all my valuable findings.
1. “With all the knowledge you have now, what would you tell yourself 10 years ago?”
Without hesitation, he said the law of self-discipline.
Bob says, “What we think and say to ourselves through self-talk will always lead us to what we believe and feel. Our beliefs and feelings will move us into action. This works regardless of our environment, surroundings, and circumstances. Many times when we have negative results, it’s from negative self talk and belief. We expect it to happen.”
This provided tremendous insight for me. Having positive self-talk will allow us to be more confident and if we start to believe it to be true then we will EXPECT good things to happen. What we think and say to ourselves (self talk) will always lead us to believe, think, and feel. The feeling will lead into action and this action leads us to our goals regardless of our environment and circumstances. Many of the times in order to get through our circumstance will depend on what we think, feel, and believe.
2. “You talk about how thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, and actions lead to results. What was the first time you applied this principle and believed it to be true after you saw the result you wanted?”
“Becoming an entrepreneur. As a business coach, I am able to put this into practice every single day.Once my clients understand that thoughts lead to feelings, and feelings lead to inspired action; I start to see growth at a rapid rate. This is when I became a better business coach. Once I understood that for myself, I was able to help more people.”
The law of self discipline manifested into reality when Bob took the leap of faith to become a full-time entrepreneur and business coach. He understood that we can control our thoughts. Strong enough thoughts after repetition lead to feelings. Feelings that become strong enough lead to inspired action.
After applying this concept, his life changed. He believed in himself and expected good things to happen.The confidence to take action overcame fear and allowed him to make a change in his life, then the lives of his clients. The results were so powerful that he was able to get life changing results for other entrepreneurs.
Here are a few testimonials of clients that he has worked with in the past and currently:
3. What should a person look for when choosing a business coach?
“Are they a certified business coach? What is their branding? Do they have a business coach? I always have a coach because how can I believe in having a business coach if I fail to have one. What type of training did they receive? What type of ROI is expected? Everything needs to have a ROI and this could be in the form of money, time, and energy. ROI is the most important thing when looking for the right business coach. When you get a great business coach for your business many times it is the #1 most important decision you will make.”
Many people classify themselves as a “coach” by putting this term at their end of their name. This can be very misleading with many frauds over the internet so it is extremely important to see Bob’s business coaching evaluation checklist.
The checklist has five core principles to stand by:
- Are they certified?
- Do they have a platform that produces content?
- Does the coach follow the system?
- What type of training does the coach do?
- What ROI is promised by working with this coach?
(1)The certification brings credibility and proof that the coach has put in the hours to not only learn it for himself but also teach it to others. Looking into the certification will most likely give you an idea of the quality of the service the coach will provide.
(2)Seeing if the coach produces content online serves as another metric to measure credibility, expertise and authority. Bob is very active on social media (Youtube, LinkedIn, and Twitter) where he posts new content weekly.
(3)In order to find a business coach that will deliver big RESULTS, it’s important to find out if they themselves invest in a business coach as well. How can a “coach” be truly passionate about business coaching if he/she fails to invest in one themselves?
(4)As a Focal Point business coach, Bob is required to take continuing education (CE) courses every 2 years. This is a great indicator that the coach is still growing and finding ways to improve.
(5)This last one is the most important. ROI. If you are having a conversation with a business coach, what is he promising in exchange of your investment? There needs to be a clear ROI which can come in the form of time, energy, or money.
4. What do you teach and what type of impact does business coaching have?
“I teach that there is no such thing as time management. Time is a constant. You can’t manage a constant. I practice priority management. When you are never busy, you are always productive. It’s not about getting everything done, it about getting the most important things done. Brian Tracy’s, Eat That Frog is a great resource if you struggle with priority management.
I also teach sales excellence, effective communication, and our sales blueprint. This stuff works, because I have applied it in my business. I can not guarantee it for others because I am unable to determine that person’s effort level.
Business coaching creates more consistency and discipline. My clients know what they need to do because I ask them the right questions. People have the answers within themselves and it is my job to pull that out of them.”
The sales blueprint and priority management are Bob’s two specialties. Bob uses the term priority management instead of time management because time is a constant. You can not manage a constant variable. However, you can measure your behavior, motivation, and attitude. Bob has mastered how to use these three in channelling energy towards accomplishing the most important task every day, week, month, and year.
(My favorite book on priority management is The ONE Thing by Gary Keller)
In regards to the sale blueprint, this is a resource he would only discuss with people who invest in him as a person. Bob can confidently talk about his experience as a business coach because he applies all these principles in his life and has seen amazing RESULTS. Bob is a firm believer that people have the answer inside of them and it is his job to ask the right questions to extract those answers out (hint: sales blueprint).
5. What are the most important skills one can should learn to form a profitable business?
“The ability to create a business plan. A business plan organizes your thought and helps you see the finish line. It helps you understand the need for a team. You are always as big as your own team. Avoid get rich schemes and ideas. Many times business owners have millionaire dreams with a poverty mindset.
Building a business is a marathon not a sprint. When we have the idea of getting rich quick, many times we miss the opportunity to build our dream. This will result in a strong foundation.”
A business plan helps you see the finish line. It challenges you to ask and ANSWER the proper questions. Is this business in the right industry that fits you? Are you the right person? Do you have the right team? Finding the answer to the last question will help you swallow your ego and find experts.
Understanding the need for a team will simplify your role as the entrepreneurs and business owner. When you have needs, you need to have the right people in your corner to lean on including marketing experts, financial advisors, and business coaches.
Creating a well thought out business plan will point you away from building upon a get rich quick scheme or idea. It’s good to understand where the finish line is, but the journey to get there is just as important. When building a business, it is a process. To have a long term, profitable business, you need to build a great foundation. In order to build a rock hard foundation, you will need to have the right mindset.“I want to build your business to go high into the sky, but without a solid foundation it will crumble.”
6. From your experience, what differentiates successful business owners and entrepreneur?
“They understand their role. When you understand your role as entrepreneur things begin to change in your business.
There are 3 types of roles in a business:
1. Entrepreneur
2. Manager
3. Technician
The entrepreneur is the visionary that thinks of the dream and reaches out to the future. The manager looks back to the past to see what has worked in the past and finds new ways to improve. Technicians are the ones who are people who carry out the tasks and actually do it.
Determining which role you are in regards to your business depends on what’s best for you. It is not based on whether you like it or not, but which role are you best at? Which role are your employees and team members best at? The most successful business owners have the ability to find the best people for each role. They understand their role and understand the need of a team. The greatest strength in leadership is forming a team around you and admit that you can’t do everything yourself.”
7. What books have played a huge role in your life and which ones do you recommend?
“1.Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
2. Just Listen by Dr. Mark Goulston
3. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell”
8. What are the most important business philosophies a business owner or entrepreneur should adopt?
“Serve others. I always say if you take care of others they will take care of you.”
The great Zig Ziglar said:
The more you care about serving others, the more money you will receive. Bob publishes 2–5 articles a week so he can provide value and continue to find ways to serve others.
9. What’s your biggest mistake?
“Not failing enough. Tom Watson says, “Double your rate of failure.” Every time I failed, I got better. When I failed, I got feedback. When I received feedback, I went back to the drawing board to make adjustments to become better.
For every road block, there are two ways on each side to get around it. Every failure is a road block that opens up a new opportunity to grow. Don’t focus on the mistake but rather as an opportunity to succeed. Every punt leads to another opportunity to make a play on defense.”
Rocky Balboa says it best:
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.””
10. What’s the biggest mistake you see entrepreneurs make?
“Not having the discipline to run the journey. It’s a process. The people who stick with it longer will have more success. Successful people continue to build on a solid foundation.
Many times entrepreneurs stop because they fail to see the finish line. The most important thing to remember is to put one foot in front of another even when things look bleak.When you feel discourage, try to find a way to put on foot in front of the other.”
PS. I went to Thrive 2016 to see Jack Canfield speak and he touched on this concept.
Jack compared our journey to success with driving a car across the United States at night. If you start on the east coast and your goal is to end up in California, you have a general idea what to do.
Drive west.
However, you can not see the finish line. The only thing you see is 3 feet ahead of you from your headlights. This is what we need to focus on as we continue to stay disciplined and stay the course. Too many people get discouraged from not seeing the finish line that they decide to quit.
11. How do you sell in a way that makes the other person feel comfortable and want to do business with you?
“It’s about your intentions. Do you see your prospect as a number in your bank account or are you genuinely interested in helping them? Ask yourself: How can I serve you? By asking the right questions, you can help them focus on their need. Understanding their needs will allow you to serve them and provide value.”
12. What type of advice do you have for entrepreneurs and business owners who struggle to monetize their passion and want to hire a business coach but simply do not have the resources too?
“Entrepreneurship comes down to discipline and action. Discipline means doing something whether you want to or not. Persistence is discipline and action to get it done at all costs. This is why I have a business coach. Sometimes I do not see growth or a positive from every road block. Most people get scared and pull back, but this is when they should push ahead.
Ask yourself: What value are you giving from this month to the next month? What have you achieved from this month to the next month?Amidst working on our business, we fail to recognize our wins. A business coach reminds us of our progress and that it will be worth it. Most of the time we are growing but we do not see it. If results are not happening, we must ask ourselves what do we need to change? That’s why entrepreneurship comes down to two things: discipline and persistence.”
13. How much should you invest in a business coach?
“It depends. When I look for my perfect client, I ask:
Do they see my value?
Do they have a need that they believe that I can provide for?
Are they willing to invest in themselves?
What I will always say is, if you see my value, you see a need that I can help you with, and you are willing to invest in yourself then we should work together. Its not really about money but its about whether you are serious to invest and committed to moving forward.”
Find a business coach you can relate to, find how much it will cost, and make a plan to get them as a coach.
14. How can business owners become better negotiators? How can one provide more value?
“Understand the difference between negotiation and sales. A lot of times we sell, when we should be negotiating, and we are negotiating when they should be selling. So when we talk about negotiations, both parties have to give up something. You have to know what your bottom line is. And you have to know that the person with most amount of information has the advantage. Negotiation is about preparation. Its about understanding who you are working with and the only way to do that is ask them the right questions.”
15. What books do you recommend on negotiating?
- The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump
- Say it Like Obama by Barrack Obama
- Getting to Yes by Fisher and Ury
16. How can one person become more persuasive and have more influence?
“Have a positive reputation. Use social media. Social media builds reputation. Most of my clients and prospects come off of LinkedIn. They see my profile or read my latest article and they reach out. They want to learn more. When you have a reputation of serving others, people will want to work with you.”
What is your favorite quote of all time?
“Leadership is not a position, leadership is influence. Leadership is effecting the people around you. Whether you are the CEO or the first day employee you always need to remember that the influence that we have on the people around us is essential.”
If you enjoyed this interview please thank Bob Reish. He had the expertise and knowledge that was worth sharing and was the main reason this blog became so valuable.
If you want to learn more, follow Bob on:
He also teaches a mastermind class on Think and Grow Rich that starts on February 15th.
?? Married in Christ ?? International & Award-Winning Keynote Speaker ?? TEDx Speaker (2.5M+ Views) ??Watch My Viral Top 500 TEDx Talk Here??
7 年Robert. (Bob) Reish, Elite Business Coach and Consultant