How To Think High CTR Ads Across The Funnel?
Varun Chopra
?? Co-Founder and Business Head At The Teaser Company | Zero To One DTC Growth Marketeer | Building Homified ??
In a world dominated by ads, how to make your brand ad stand out and achieve a high CTR. CTR = Click through Rate, how to make sure your viewer ends up on the landing page and consider to buy your products? Here are a few marketing basics you must get right before expecting a high ROAS.
- A Strong Differentiated Positioning
Know your niche, see what sets you apart, where your product or service adds value and focus on that. For example, If you are a photographer then what do you specialise in? Is it landscape, wedding, kids or portrait. Finding the right niche is crucial. Otherwise your ad too will be just another sponsored post. Not only will you attract the right audience, you will give them exactly what they are looking for.
2. Creating Communication Directed Towards Your Ideal Customer
Who do you want to sell to? Who is your ideal customer or target group? While experimenting and exploring is okay, hit and trial is not. It's like shooting in the dark. Targeting everyone is targeting no one. Make sure you analyse the price point of your product, match it with the purchasing power, needs and desires of the customer and then identify who do you want to sell to!
3. Visual Storytelling
You know when you are scrolling Pinterest or Instagram for that matter, we only stop, share and save when we go Wow! Or something we are visually enticed by. It's why brands invest a fortune in product shoots and food companies spend money in getting mukbangs made. Visual storytelling get all the eyes naturally. It's how a blender jet promoted their USP to blend even the hardest of materials. By Blending a hard metal iphone in slow motion. Simple, creative and simply Wow. Think of your brand USP and brainstorm on how can you visually tell what your product does. Exaggeration is a well accepted phenomenon. Be creative.
4. Language
In a diverse country like India, Vernacular is the key. Make sure you select a brand language that matches your identity but also that of your target customer. Don't dwell on stereotypes of language (English= premium), rather keep an open mind and don't be afraid to experiment.
5. Not Everything Beautified Or Well Staged
In a world dominated by flatlays and product styling. Don't be afraid to go all out with very raw, organic pictures. If you are new in the business it's not a good strategy to spend too much on shoots. If you have got the money and your user base wants it then go for it.
But, user generated content perform better than stock editing and staged pictures. They give you an edge and make you come off as real, unfiltered and true to the customers.
6. Human Connection
Imagine a picture of a coke can and then imagine a picture of a young boy drinking from that coke can! What looks better and creates more personal touch? The second one. Similarly, adding Founders videos, using User generated content, integrating Influencers or simply using customer testimonials instill a sense of trust. It is human nature to trust a brand that's being recommended, tried and tested by others like them.
7. Test, Test and Test
Just how practice makes a man perfect, testing makes a Marketeer adept in high CTR ads. Create and learn insights. Don't be afraid to try new things but make sure you create a balance. Get into your customers shoes, minds, hearts and pockets and think from their perspective. Make ads that you would want to see and Ads that would convert you from a viewer to a customer.
Creating good Ads has science behind it but give space to art to figure out the science.
Low ROAS (Return on Ad Spends) is a result of MeToo Ads. Invest in D2C strategy and performance with Teaser
Written By : Varun And Shivam
Edited By : Dimple