We are culturally conditioned to seek happiness from things outside of ourselves: in the friends we have, the car we drive, the fashionable clothes we wear, the successes we achieve, the house we inhabit, and/or the money we have in the bank. In so doing, the majority of us keep waiting through each moment of our lives for our outer circumstances to make us happy: for better health, a more attractive body, a loving relationship, a better job, and so forth. But in so doing we confuse the cause and effect of how things really work.
It is happiness that generates our good experiences, not the other way around.
You’re the architect of your reality.
The blueprints are in your hands and the design is being developed with each breath you take and each thought you think. Everything you experience comes from within your own being.
The starting point of mastery begins and ends with choosing the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and resonance that you embody every moment and every day. It’s a deeper practice than thinking positive thoughts; it’s a choice to keep re-choosing a positive attitude, a positive perspective, and positive feelings – over and over and over and over again. One of the fastest ways to set the stage for this kind of mastery, is to focus on any subject — no matter what it is — that consistently feels good to you. This creates a foundation of positive feelings that will support you attracting whatever it is you want.
About the writer:
Andrew Ssaazi is a Life Coach, Speaker & Author.
E-mail: [email protected]
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