How Tennis Coaches Can Easily and Effortly Self-Publish a Book.

How Tennis Coaches Can Easily and Effortly Self-Publish a Book.

First off.

You need to know that.

This post is going to be a step-by-step guide for tennis coaches who want to self-publish a book.


Before we dive into them.

You need to know why you need to self-publish a book.

The book can be used as a lead generator for getting contracts with schools, associations, and companies and also for backend sales.


Self-publishing allows you to grow your market reach faster and wider for your coaching business.

And that is why you need a book.

You need to read this article and then start using your active income from coaching on the court.

To create passive income from self-publishing to start generating passive income off it.

That's the end goal.


Let's go over all the steps quickly.

At the end of the post.

I'll link the other article showing how to outsource these steps, okay?

Step 1.

A good book description.

This should have a hook, some benefits, and a call to action.

Watch this video here to get a feel for how to do it.


Do some market research on Amazon and check out the ones that are up on there.

The more you do it, the better you will start doing it in the future, so don't worry.

Just learn through the process on doing it.

Step 2.

Create a great title.

You have to do your research on keywords.

Go online and check out forums and comments on videos.

All titles are based on keywords.

Then choose a niche and create a title that can appeal to that niche.

You can also change it later.


Many publishers have changed titles and seen their sales skyrocket in weeks!


Never be afraid to test out another title.

Step 3.

Create a great subtitle.


This will be based on your keyword research.

The subtitle should support the title.


State the biggest benefit for reading the book here.

Step 4.

Insert, an opt-in link.


You want to build your email list with every book.

By inserting a landing page.

Do this at the start of the book.

Offer a free report in exchange for their email.

Let them know what they will be getting by signing up too.

Give them a good reason for being on your list.

Step 5.

Link other books.


If this is your first book.

Become a tennis affiliate.

Insert an affiliate link instead.


Later, as you self-publish more books.

Always link your other books at the beginning of them.

This will increase your sales.

And as you publish more books and grow your email list, allow you to sell tons of books.

Step 6.

Use affiliate links.

This means that you must become a tennis affiliate.

Throughout your book.

You should insert different affiliate links.

Do it in the right way.

Tell people why they need to click and give them a reason to click.

Address their problem with content to build rapport with your books.

And insert the link as the solution.

This will add up to more profits with each sale of your book.

Step 7.

Generate leads for online coaching courses and memberships.

You have to know that the real money in publishing is in backend sales.


All the sales that come after the first book sell.

With that being the case.

Create a strategic book funnel for your self-publishing business.

After they join your email list, automate and send a free e-course to them.

This could be 7 to 8 lessons given every week or every other day.

At the end of the course.

You can offer an online membership or online course.

I would suggest you use too.


It's free to join and very easy to use for self-publishing beginners.

Step 8.

You need a great cover.

This could be at number 2 or 3.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.

Just make sure that your cover is cool, powerful, and interesting.

I like to use Fivver because they have many freelancers on there.


They all do great work.

Step 9.

Video promotion for your book.

You should outsource this too.

Go back to Fivver and get them to create a short video to promote your book.

Give them an outline of the message that your book is making, and then allow them to get creative in expressing it for YOU.


You have to think this all the way through and know the outcome that you want.

Ask yourself.

What's the main message that you are trying to make or get across with your book?

Write it down, and break it down!

Step 10.

Create an AMS ads campaign.

The last step is creating an AMS ad.

Watch this video for more details.

I love these AMS ads because they are cheap and they are very profitable.


You must know how to set them up.

So you don't lose money on people clicking who aren't interested in your book.


Watch that video and download it, then use it when you create your first campaign.

That is what I did, and it helped me a lot.


Keep your budget low at first.

Like $2 a day.


When the campaign takes off, increase your budget and reinvest the profits back into your publishing business.

This is how you can build a self-publishing business in about 6 months or less.

For you coaches who are working.

Don't worry.

Just read this post on outsourcing and get started today.

Focus on niche marketing.

Try to target a specific niche in the tennis market and then write a book on it using these 10 steps.

You can get someone else to write the book for YOU too!

All right coaches.

If you have any questions.

You can reach me at [email protected]


Click here and grab the book.


Please like and share the article as well.

Have a great week!

Thomas is a PTR/MTM tennis pro with more than 29 years of experience teaching all ages and levels of the game in Kansai.

He is now a tennis writer and online tennis consultant based in Osaka.

To hire him for seminars, clinics or workshops, call 0798-51-4471 or email [email protected]


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