How To Tell If Your Brand Strategy Is Working

How To Tell If Your Brand Strategy Is Working

You’ve done it. You bit the bullet and took the leap. You’ve formalized your brand platform. It’s an exhilarating feeling because, in the past, you had an idea you were marketing your business correctly. But you were never really 100 percent sure. Now, you have absolute clarity. You know what you were doing right, previously, and you changed what had to change. Today is a new day and you see a clear path toward success. You understand now precisely what emotional benefit your market expects from your business. You know your mission is to fulfill that benefit. You know exactly what your brand promise is. You know how to make that brand promise so that people will believe you. And you know how to deliver on that brand promise. But what if you’re wrong? Once you put your brand strategy into action, how do you know it’s paying off? How do you measure ROI? As the old saying goes, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” So how much time should you give a new brand strategy to work and how will you know if it’s working? Over the years, Boardwalk has identified eight key performance indicators (KPIs). Read more.



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