How To Tell Stories While Building Your Art Brand During Your Day When Creative Flow Is Disrupted By Life Events
Sara Sawochka-Dalton
Creative Director: Professional Dancer, Professional Dance Choreographer, Professional Ballroom Dance Coach, and Endurance Athlete. Fine and Visual Artist.
In today’s video, we discuss how to tell stories while building your art brand during your day when your creative flow is disrupted by life events (like a doctor’s appointment in the middle of the day). You can create a content creation strategy and tell your brand’s story in the moments during your day that contain small breaks. What do you do with those micro breaks, 15-20 minutes segments, while you’re waiting between appointments? Create content and build your brand by telling a story. I offer some creative time management tips to help you get more done. I also talk about offering your customers value during your day by releasing mindful pieces of micro content that you create in between appointments. Don’t let your creative flow get disrupted. Use those moments during your day in a creative way: build your brand, tell a story through video or audio or write down your thoughts in your notes on your phone for a blog post. Lastly, I discuss how if you have time to consume social media, then you have time to create value for your brand, build brand awareness and keep the creative flow going throughout your day by creating content instead of consuming content. Who uses the excuse: I don’t have time AND you consume social media? If you have time to consume social media, then you have time to create posts for social media to help build your art brand awareness. The more content you post, the more likely someone is to see it and ask, “Who is this person?” and then go check you out on your website. Don’t waste your valuable time by consuming. Content is king for building organic reach for your art brand. Use your time wisely by creating content for people that offers value. You won’t regret when the sales are rolling in down the road. If you don’t start or never try, then you’ll never know. Start now. Start posting now. And post more often. Your story matters because you matter and your art brand matters.
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