How technology has changed relationships
Stephanie Erickson, LCSW
Forensic Social Worker, Standard of Care Expert for elder welfare (nursing homes, assisted living, Board & Care, home care, hospice), child welfare matters, clinical supervision and psychotherapy
What did we use to do at night after the kids were asleep? Did we talk to our spouses? It's hard to remember because now nights are filled with FB browsing, Netflix watching, and internet searching. What risk does social media pose in sparking an illicit relationship? Does it help us maintain friendships? What about our kids? Do they know how to have an actual conversation anymore now that social media and texting have taken over? Listen to CJAD800 Life Unrehearsed on Sunday, July 30th from 4-5 EST as hosts Matt Del Vecchio and Stephanie Erickson speak with therapist Sandra Reich about the ways in which technology has changed our relationships. Watch and listen on the Life Unrehearsed FB page or stream on the CJAD 800 website.