How to target your audience down to 1km Across Different Channels

The growth of smartphones has paved the way for brands to engage with consumers based on their location, and it has allowed marketers to adapt their message to appeal to customers geographically. It’s a great method for brands to expand their distribution channels and reach untapped markets. It can also be used to target users close to where your business is actually located, even within a 1km radius.

So, here are the key ways you can get the best out of location data in your marketing campaign.

Mobile AdWords

Marketers can set a specific location using Google’s Mobile AdWords, and pick a defined radius for your ads to appear. In doing this, you’ll be able to find the right customers in your local area. This is a great way of ensuring that your message shows up in the best place, that’ll reach your customers where they are.

To set up location targeting in AdWords, sign into your account and click on your desired campaign. Within the settings option, you can enter the address and post code of the place you’d like to target. You can also target multiple locations at once using the bulk upload tool. AdWords lets you add a bulk list of 1,000 locations and you can do this by pasting the names into the ‘bulk locations’ option under advanced search, in your AdWords account. But be warned, it might not work, so you may have to enter the location names manually.

Social Media Channels

Marketers have great opportunities to build location-data campaigns on social networks. Facebook lets you target ads to people near your business’s physical location. If you want to promote your local business, you need to head to your ads manager where can target customers based on a physical address, so simply type the address in your ad targeting and you’ll be able to target people within 1km. Be warned, Facebook can only target users down to the first three letter and numbers of a post code, so you will need to find the location and drop the Facebook pin on it in the map.


Weve is a great way to engage with people in your local area through text messages, as the platform lets you create a virtual fence around a specific location down to 0.5km. When people go into it, they’ll receive a text messages sent to their phones. You can add additional targeting options like sex, age and phone behaviour. BMW used this approach to users who walked into an Audi garage in the UK. They received a text message saying that BMX would get them a better deal and the local BMW garage address was at the end of the message. It's not the cheapest form of advertising but is a useful tool to target competitors in sectors like B2B or the luxury sector.


