How to Tame Your Paper Clutter – Once And For All
Nathalie Ricaud - Home and Life Organising Coach
Restoring order and serenity into people's home and life
In my previous post, I explored the key reasons that lead to paper clutter.
While having clarity on the cause of the problem is the first step towards solving it, it doesn’t do any harm to have some tips to deal with the problem, does it?
So there you go, 4 simple tips to tame your paper clutter at home, once and for all.
1 | Set Up An Efficient Yet Conducive Workspace
Having a workspace free of clutter, equipped with all the supplies you need to perform the tasks you have to do at your desk within easy reach, with some – but not too many – decorative items, is the best way to stop you from procrastinating and start tackling your papers.
A waste basket, placed by your desk, is indispensable so that you can throw right away papers you have decided not to keep.
It also helps to invest five minutes after you’ve finished doing your paperwork to clear your desk and to return things where they belong so that it’s ready to use next time you need it.
2 | Set Up Procedures
Procedures are critical to manage the flow of paper and avoid having paperwork stuck in a “holding pattern” on your desk.
Aim to touch incoming paper once and then get rid of as much as you can.
Create a document retention guidelines list to help you make quick decisions on what to keep and for how long. If in doubt, speak to an accountant or a financial professional as document retention requirements will vary based on your home country. Include rules for reading materials too.
3 | Make Use Of Your To-Do List And Diary
Many people have an “out of sight, out of mind” approach, keeping a particular piece of paper to remember the action they need to take while they could easily let go of it if they were to capture the action in their to-do list. Ok, this won’t eliminate all the paper, but it’ll significantly reduce it. The rest can be temporarily filed yet easily retrieved when you’re ready to take action if you have a procedure in place.
Also, many people don’t take into consideration the time it really takes to deal with paperwork. You need to block the time in your diary, either on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, to file your papers, pay your bills, reconcile your accounts, RSVP to invitations etc. You also need to block time once per year to purge your files because paper accumulates very quickly. The beginning of a new year or the tax return filing period are good times in my opinion to do a good purge.
4 | Establish A Robust Filing System
Best to start from scratch rather than trying to tweak your existing system. Start with the most recent papers.
Name your files based on the words that would first come to your mind when you would want to retrieve the file.
Create a master index of all your files. Indicate the category they belong to, how long you need to keep them, and their location (paper, electronic or safety box). Print the index and keep it with your files. Not only will it save you time to file or retrieve a document but it’ll also prevent you from creating duplicate files.
I am well aware that the above tasks are not particularly exciting, but keep your eyes on the prize: you’ll save time, you’ll reduce the number of arguments with your spouse, you’ll reduce your stress level etc. It’s all worth it, don’t you think?
Don’t attempt to do everything at one go. Go through the actions above in sequence. Work for a set period of time, and then reward yourself by moving onto a more enjoyable activity. Resume the next day or the following weekend. Good luck to you!
This blog was first published in Connected Women magazine.
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