How Talking to Strangers Can Change Your Life.
I have a habit of talking to strangers wherever I go.??
In today's fast-paced world, this might be considered rude or intrusive.? After all, everybody’s busy. We're engrossed in our phones, lost in our thoughts, or hurriedly moving from one task to another.? If we strike up a conversation with a stranger, we could be wasting the strangers’ time, or? own.
But over time, I've discovered that this “bad” habit can in fact be good for everyone involved.
While I was attending night school decades ago to earn my Canadian CPA qualification, I frequently encountered an East Indian janitor in the washrooms. One day, he asked, "Can you do my tax return?" The man, who insisted on being called Mr. J and nothing else, had a reputation for being perpetually disgruntled.?
Instead of dismissing or ignoring him, I impulsively agreed. Thus began an annual tradition:? Mr. J would invite me to his modest home, where I'd complete his and his wife's tax returns. During these sessions, he would sit across the dining table, arms folded, glaring at me throughout.
His wife would compensate for his curmudgeonliness by cooking the tastiest Indian food I’d ever had, flooding me with pleasant memories from my childhood. She spared nothing, offering an abundant, delectable feast. ? Judging by their home’s humble decor, it was obvious that they lived hand-to-mouth, so I did not charge them for doing their tax returns.
One year, I needed money to fund my business. When Mr. J asked the perennial question “ How are you?”, I flippantly retorted,” Fine, but do you have a hundred thousand dollars under your bed you could loan me?”
His answer? “Come back tomorrow.”
The next day, there on the dining room table ,was an envelope with my name on it. Inside, a bank draft for $100,000.? No question was asked as to when the sum would be repaid, what interest it would earn, not even a request for a promissory note.
One Christmas years later,? the snow blizzard in Calgary was so severe I hailed a cab to take me three blocks away.? Although disappointed at the short trip, the elderly taxi driver, probably Jamaican, was excited about his upcoming family reunion.
He asked, “ What will you be doing for the holiday?”
My reply? “Nothing.”
“I don’t celebrate Christmas. I accept all presents, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings, but give away nothing.? And I don’t believe in tips.”
The cabbie continued to cajole me into practicing a more generous seasonal spirit. I refused.
On arriving, the fare was clocked at $5. I gave him a $20 tip.
The man remained speechless, probably for the rest of the day.
Recently I read a study that concluded, “talking to strangers can actually strengthen our mental health and, by connecting, enrich our lives.”? Reflecting back on the experiences I’ve just described, I couldn't agree more.? Far from a bad habit, talking to strangers can bring unexpected surprises, create connections, and lead to life-changing turns of events.
Here are a few of the things I now keep in mind when crossing paths with strangers:
Exchanges with people we don’t know can help shift our perspective.?
Even if you are set in your ways, sometimes a brief interaction can permanently alter how we view things and the actions we choose.? The ripple effect on our lives and futures can be quite powerful.
Seemingly small interactions can have a big impact.
From emotional well-being, new friendships and new opportunities, engaging with strangers can provide surprising advantages.? Never underestimate this.
The connections you make through real-life interactions count far more than the number of steps you take each day
Instead of being engrossed in your phone or focusing solely on your fitness goals like getting 10,000 steps, why not make a conscious choice to connect with the people around you??
Take it from me: sometimes wisdom, friendships, and even financial miracles come wrapped in the guise of a casual conversation. So go ahead, talk to a stranger today—you never know how it might change your life.