How To Talk To Your Ex To Get Him Back (How To Talk To Your Ex About Getting Back Together)
How to talk to your ex to get him back - How to talk to your ex about getting back together.?
If you're having problems with your relationship one of the hardest things to do is to arrange an opportunity to talk it through. It's far easier, when you're hurt, to shut yourself off from the problem.
Addressing it head on takes co-operation from both people in the relationship. So why do so many phone calls between estranged couples fail to move things forward? What can you do to change this, without any dirty tricks, so that your ex wants to call you back?
Let's break this down, in a matter of fact way. If you make a point of understanding this, it's going to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes. Please make sure you are ready to move forward and solve your problems before reading this- a little tough love is required.
Please know that this will make you stronger if you remember it's coming from a good place and a position of having been where you are.
What You Can't Do
These suggestions may sound obvious when you read them, or when you're in a stable, rational state of mind. Many people going through any kind of separation aren't in a stable, rational state of mind- so they need to be covered.
Nobody wants to know how often you've already called. Your ex will already be aware of that, unless he's ignoring you completely. Thankfully this is highly unlikely, so you won't need to tell him that this is the 3rd message you've left.
Don't plead with your partner over the telephone, especially if you are leaving a message. When does that ever work? Would you plead for a raise at work? Chances are, it didn't even work all the time when you were a kid wanting a cookie.
Oh, and whatever you do, don't play the emergency card, saying that there's something he need to help you with. It won't capture his attention. What if he does respond to the so-called 'emergency'? How do you think that's going to work out?
What You Can Do
First thing you need to do; make sure you're in the best possible frame of mind before calling. Be as happy as you can, as it'll make sure that your voice reminds your ex of good times, rather than forcing him to confront the pain you're both feeling. This is super important.
But the real secret to this is to establish a compelling reason for him to return your call. A good way that anyone can learn, is to harness their curiosity and self interest. Make him want to call you back.
Take this example:
"Hi, I really appreciate what you did for me. Can you call me when you have a moment; I want to make sure I thank you in person"
Can you imagine the impact this'll have? He'll feel so curious to know what you appreciate. Plus everyone loves to be thanked, right?
But please, make sure you know what it is you want to show your appreciation for; this is not about tricking your ex, but showing you care and piquing his interest. It really doesn't matter if it's a small thing he has done for you, just make sure it's something real. This is especially important if there've been trust issues in the past.
Remember that getting him to call back is just the first step of making up with your ex. Knowing what else you want to say is just as important.
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets
How to Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back
Losing the guy you love is an absolutely miserable feeling. It might not be too late, though, for a second chance. How to win your ex boyfriend back takes some time and careful coordination but it can be done under the right circumstances. You need to understand what makes people tick when it comes to love in order to give yourself the best chance for a second chance with him.
If it was your boyfriend who did the breaking up, he probably had more lead time than you in adjusting themselves to being apart. You, on the other hand, probably got caught off guard. It's as if you had no say in the matter and now you're miles behind what your ex has already gone through mentally as he prepared himself for the separation.
If you want to know how to win your ex boyfriend back, you need to get yourself as close as possible to where he's emotionally. This means you need some time to think about what went wrong and how to fix it. You need to be able to evaluate the relationship as it was before the break up and decide where it can be improved and you need to be able to do so with a clear mind.
You also need to regain a bit of lost ground by not letting your ex get away with thinking that you are miserable, heartbroken and desperate. If you follow a few steps to take care of yourself first and to rebuild his impression of you, you greatly improve your chances of success.
First, stop trying to contact your ex. This alone often gives your ex a reason to stand up and take notice. If you have been sending 20 text messages a day and suddenly stop, he's going to wonder what has changed. Now, you are on his mind rather than it just being you who is doing all the second guessing.
Second, understand why the two of you broke up. Did you regularly fight about the same things over and over without being able to find some common ground? Can you change your position on those disagreements and commit to those new positions?
Third, after you think your ex really sees you are no longer trying so hard to catch his attention and get back together, make informal, casual contact with your ex. Only do this if you know you can come across as nothing more than a friend.
Finally, do the things you used to do, enjoy life again and find a way to have fun. When you're comfortable, and assuming your ex was receptive to your one, casual contact, invite your ex to a group event or just a cup of coffee to catch up.
When he sees you are no longer desperate or raw from the pain of the separation, he'll be more likely to consider the possibilities of getting back together because he can see you the way he used to see you, the way you were when you first captured his attention. When he knew you were desperate and struggling, he knew he could get you back at a moment's notice. When he thinks you may have moved on and that you have come to peace with the break up, he may have a change of heart. People always want what seems a bit more challenging to get. If it's too easy, they make less effort.
None of these steps is particularly easy, especially if you don't think you can handle talking to your ex again without breaking into tears. This is why it is important to heal yourself first and focus on learning what makes strong couples tick. The more information you have and the more capable you are of using that information to better your position, the better chance you have of understanding how to win your ex boyfriend back.
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!