?? How to Talk to Professionals about Network Marketing ??
?? Dale Moreau ??
I Show People How to Make More Money than Their Boss. If You'd Ever Like to Know How, I'll Be Glad to Show You.
LinkedIn is made for professionals. We find doctors, lawyers and bankers looking to do business on LinkedIn. But how do we talk to professionals about Network Marketing?
The same way we would talk to other people about Network Marketing.
--- Find if there is a problem.
--- Find if the professional wants to fix the problem.
--- Find if our solution to fix the problem meets the needs of the professional.
Professionals are presold.
--- Do professionals want more health, or less health?
--- Do professionals want more money, or less money?
--- Do professionals want more security, or less security?
We don’t have to convince professionals. They’re already convinced. Our job is to find the professionals who want what we offer.
What could we say to professionals to find a problem, fix the problem and offer a solution?
“I am just curious. Could you do me a favor? I’m looking for people who hate <a problem> but would love to do something about it.”
Want to see how the formula works?
--- (1). The Doctor: “I am just curious. Could you do me a favor? I’m looking for people who hate dealing with insurance forms that waste a lot of time and money but would love to do something about it.”
--- (2). The Lawyer: “I am just curious. Could you do me a favor? I’m looking for people who hate the pressure of deadlines, billings and client demands but would love to do something about it.”
--- (3). The Banker: “I am just curious. Could you do me a favor? I’m looking for people who feel their free time is owned by the bank but would love to do something about it.”
The professional agrees with the problem and wants to fix the problem. But what is our solution? Professionals don’t have a lot of time to spend on chit-chat. They want us to get to the point. What better way to sum up our offers than a short story.
“So, here’s the short story. There are two types of people in the world. Those that <problem>, and those that do something different to make more money part-time than they do full-time. So, which type would you like to belong to?”
Let’s put the formula to good use.
--- (1). The Doctor: “So, here’s the short story. There are two types of people in the world. Those that spend a lot of money and time dealing with insurance companies and forms, and those that do something different to make more money part-time than they do full-time. So, which type would you like to belong to?”
--- (2). The Lawyer: “So, here’s the short story. There are two types of people in the world. Those that face the pressure of meeting deadlines and billing and client demands, and those that do something different to make more money part-time than they do full-time. So, which type would you like to belong to?”
--- (3). The Banker: “So, here’s the short story. There are two types of people in the world. Those that that owe their free time to the bank, and those that do something different to make more money part-time than they do full-time. So, which type would you like to belong to?”
Which is going to be easier for you? To continue to talk to professionals and not know what to say and get zero results? Or to learn a formula to talk to professionals and get great results?
Knowing word-for-word exactly what to say to people in your hometown is 90% of the battle won. The remaining 10% is simply talking to them. So, don't be lost with what to say to friends, family, relatives and coworkers. Now you have a book to teach word-for-word exactly what to say. "Network Marketing for Your Hometown": https://www.amazon.com/dp/1072314134/
If you are serious about growing your business using the power of LinkedIn to generate super high-quality leads, make a ton of sales and enroll new team members, I highly recommend the book "LinkedIn for Network Marketing." Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1796756733/.
If you have any questions about the Books, I'd be happy to chat with you over Virtual Coffee. Feel free to book a time on my online calendar here: ?? https://go.oncehub.com/dalemoreau
Thank you for reading,
Phone: 210-478-6975
My Website: https://dalemoreau.net
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