How to talk to anyone-anytime-anywhere- Amazing learnings about conversations from the legendary talk show host Larry King
Dr. Aditi Sheth (????? ???) MBBS ??????
?? Manager Safety Solutions- Indegene | Bookworm | 1000+ Certificates | PBRER | Aggregate reports | AI | Avid Reader | Trained Psychologist | Introvert | Dog parent | ISFJ |29K+| MBBS MBA MPH | ?????? ????
I sat on a book for about three years and was finally able to read it all in my trip to Coorg. Totally disconnected from smartphone (remote area, no network, much needed) and surrounded by nature, this book really got me. It’s called How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere and is written by the American TV talk show host Larry King. He’s someone who definitely knew about this subject since during his career, he interviewed some more than 60,000 people and is arguably the most recognized name in the American talk show industry. Apart from the author, the book itself is remarkable for actionable, practical and non-condescending style of narration. It’s a very easy to read book written in everyday language and is full of folksy charm, old school style and very well paced- well written with a myriad of example.
I felt so strongly about content of this book and the value it provided, I decided to write this article as I was reading the book. Ability to have intelligent conversations is something I deeply respect in anyone and this book taught me so much about this craft. The US talk shows industry is something I’ve followed since 2012, just before I went there for 2 years. Watching David Letterman got me interested into the American talk shows. He’s my hero and his interviews are pure gold. David Letterman interviews with Madonna are some of the most controversial interviews ever aired on TV and I devoured all of these in those years. Then I got to know about other talk show hosts esp Jay Leno and radio’s Larry King live.
Larry King is unique in that he was so grounded in reality and in the moment. If you watch his interviews, you can feel his genuine interest in conversations and you get a feeling that he loved what he did for living. Almost all notable American celebrities have been interviewed by him (60,000 interviews!) and this reflects in the book all the time. He was known for his direct yet non-confrontational approach in asking questions. Mild demeanor and ability to just talk made him appealing to politicians and other controversial figures who wanted to 'come clean', state their opinions about issues without controversies. He mentioned the same in his book about how important putting his partners at ease was in his career success. Other insights are from myriad of celebrities of his times and his conversations with them. The book is loaded with a lot of incidents and real life examples of points he wanted to make.
I intend to write this article in a hybrid style. The folksy everyday language used in this book is so palatable that I presented many of phrases from the book as such and at the same time added a few thoughts here and there of my own. I hope you like this experiment!
This is one tell-all book about conversations! Practically covering a wide range of settings, one to one, social settings, team meetings, business meetings, with celebrity- any and all scenarios you can imagine, Larry king has it covered for you.
To start with this- “Most successful people are most successful talkers”. Larry king provides us with his eight things the best talkers have in common list which is the linchpin of this book. I am including the list here as well.
Eight things the best talkers have in common-
1- Fresh/ new/ unique/ original perspectives on a topic
2- Broad intellectual horizons (being interested in a vast variety of subjects)
3- Being empathetic
4- Being genuinely curious
5- Enthusiasm
6- Does not talk about him/herself all the time
7- Has own unique style of conversations
8- Sense of humor
The four basics of a successful conversation-
1- Being honest
2- The right attitude (enjoy the conversation and show it)
3- Interest in other person
4- Openness about yourself (You should be willing to disclose the kind of information you’d ask of the other person.)
I need to elaborate about the third point further-
Interest in other person-
To me this is the most important ingredient for any conversation. Being genuinely interested in what the conversation partner has to say and ability to show this interest make or break things for me personally. I have observed people do lack this skill big time in this IG obsessed world and if you are blessed with curiosity and genuine interest in conversation itself and the other person, you win!
Larry King says you cannot talk to people successfully if they think you are not interested in what they got to say and you are not respecting them.
Your looks or position may get you a start in conversation, but you have to be BOTH: interesting and interested, only then it’ll go on- the conversation will continue effortlessly.
How to show interest-
- Eye contact (obvious)
- Lean forward towards that person
- Ask them a question about themselves
- Listen without interruption
- Ask follow up questions (pure gold)
Breaking bad speech habits-
1- Listen to the sound of your voice. Listening to the words as they come out of your mouth as you speak can be very effective.
2- Think ahead of what you are going to say.
3- Enlist a speech monitor, who stays near you at least 2 hours a day and ask them to zap you to alert about bad speech habits (too much but um, hmm or of course, you know!)
Some other gems-
1- Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects (ease while talking to a celebrity)
2- You should be willing to disclose the kind of information you’d ask of the other person.
3- The first thing to accomplish while talking to anyone is to put them at ease
4- The best way to overcome shyness while talking to someone according to Larry King- “remember that the person you’re talking to puts his pants one leg at a time.”
5- You have to enjoy the conversation and show that you’re enjoying it.
6- Ask them about themselves, why? Because people love to be talked to about themselves.
7- Yes/No questions are enemies of good talks
8- If you ask a yes/no question, you’d get a yes/no answer and it’ll be a dead conversation.
9- To be a good talker, you have to be a good listener.
10- You can learn any body language-poses and all, but if you don’t feel same from the inside, and force these postures, you’ll be uncomfortable and it’ll show up- it makes you seem insincere even when you’re not!
11- A requirement for being a good talker is staying informed.
12- To be a good conversationalist, you should be willing to talk about what is on people’s minds (ongoing issues, controversies and all)
13- Today the keyword for being successful in your social conversation is relevance.
14- Larry’s favorite question: “why”
15- In social settings- be open, find the common ground with your conversation partner and always listen.
16- A danger in social talk is to go on so long you monopolize the conversation, turning yourself from a gifted conversationalist into a complete bore.
17- A common mistake while talking to celebrities is stereotyping them as people who do not know anything but their professions.
18- You broaden your horizons through travels, but if you are curious enough to listen to other people, you can broaden your horizons even without leaving your backyard.
19- Never stay too serious for too long.
20- No matter how brilliant of a talker you are, there are times when being silent is better.
21- It is more important to ask a good question, rather than to phrase a mellifluous answer.
22- The difference between almost right word and THE right word is really a large matter- like the difference between lightning bug and the lightening.
23- There are fillers or nothing words- which are verbal equivalents of annoying little Styrofoam peanuts that come in packing boxes-just so much fillers.
24- Nothing words are oral crutches. They are handy to lean to when you’re stalling. But if you use them too often, your conversation will only limp along.
25- ‘You know’ is the undisputed leader of fillers/nothing words.
26- In business, time is money, do not waste time of people you are talking to.
27- Everybody is selling something. You are selling yourself, your education and your experience every day in your job.
28- Know what you are selling and once you have closed the deal, stop selling.
29- Do not sell features of a product, sell advantages of a product.
30- For any job interview, you need two things, be prepared and show that you care.
31- A person who hits same notes over and over again whether its political, emotional or philosophical, makes a bore in any social conversation.
32- In public speaking always make a point of talking something you know about.
33- Boy Scout approach- Be prepared. Have a formula- Tell them what you are going to talk to them about, talk to them, summarize what you just told them.
34- The KISS approach in conversation- Keep It Simple, Stupid!
35- If you don’t feel you’re good at talking- you can be! If you are good at talking, you can be better.
Improve your conversations- weapons at your disposal-
1- Do only what makes you comfortable.
2- Stay current
3- Have interest in a wide range of subjects
4- Don’t think negative.
5- Work to improve elements that are important- voice, delivery and appearance.
My two cents-
It was a must read book by all means. Personally I am not shy at conversations (used to be), but this very actionable book really changed my perspectives in many aspects.
One thing I need to tell is, you do not need to be a Nixon in order to be a legendary talker. You don't need to know everything about everything under the sun. I had this misunderstanding that you should be able to know about everything that matters, all subjects, you should know in order to be a conservationist. Then I got my first corporate job and my first manager showed me otherwise. He had a very cursory knowledge on any subject at best (never touched a book in my 14 months tenure working under him, never read a newspaper either), yet he could talk and be comfortable around any subjects!
Over time, it hit me, any human conversation has two things people look for-
1- Is he/she capable of doing something for me
2- Will he/she do it for me?
There’s no third basis for any conversation.
You solve these by being capable, powerful, knowledgeable, in good position and rich for the first point and have warmth and charisma for the second.
In fact, this is what charismatic people do, they are interesting and they are interested. They project power, confidence and warmth. That is how people become devoted to them. It all boils down to these two points. People just know that they can do things for them and the way they look into your eyes, take genuine interest in people and voila.
Be interesting and be interested!
This is the take home msg for me in this book!
The setting
The cabin in the woods is literally where I was! It was a remote resort in Coorg and had zero phone connectivity. After a long long time, there I was with no net, no WhatsApp, no Instagram, no LinkedIn, No nothing! This hard copy book was my option for quality time and boy it clicked. Not only the time spent in resort rejuvenated me and restored my energies, I came back with a lot to say about the subject of conversations. It’s something I intended to do again and again!
The book-
How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere by Larry King
Pages- 220
Price- 379 (Kindle), 426 Paperback
Printed- 1994
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3 年Thanks for sharing.
Senior Quality Assurance Manager at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
3 年Aditi thank you for the summary. Really helpful.
Regulatory Affairs Professional | Transitioning to Regulatory Medical Writing | 8+ Years in Submissions, SOPs, Safety Narratives, Veeva RIM & Project/Program Management | Veeva Certified
3 年Thanks for sharing ?