How to Take the Headache Out of Personal Branding
Starting your own personal brand can seem like a daunting and time consuming task. It often includes posting personal photos and videos to social media, building relationships with potential clients, and getting onto large platforms like big stages and TV studios. However, it doesn’t have to be a tiresome burden. In fact, building your personal brand can be as simple as making slight changes to what you post and say on social media. So here is how to take the headache out of personal branding…
The first thing you need to do is get your mindset in check. Realize that building a personal brand is not hard to do, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Your personal brand already exists; it’s you. What people see when they look at you is already your brand, and because you exist, you have a brand of your own whether you choose to have one or not. Remember that branding is a good thing, and if you know how to do it right, it’s very simple to build a positive brand image that will help increase your sales and conversion rates.
The next step to making things simple is to start simple. You don’t need to jump straight into the most expensive Forbes article, or the biggest morning TV show or podcast. It’s as simple as slightly altering your social media content. Instead of posting a generic caption about tanning at the beach, share a personal story that ties into the summer atmosphere. Instead of posting a photo of your favorite car with only a few hashtags as the caption, write about why you love that car, or share about how you got your first car. Stories are what draw people in to listen and pay attention to you. When you’re building your personal brand, it needs to be just that: personal. Help people connect with you by expanding a little bit more in your captions and letting them get to know you.
If you want to get even more personal, the next thing you can do is start recording live videos on your social media platform, like Instagram and Facebook. Start with only five minutes, and share tips, tricks, and advice from your industry. People will start to recognize you as someone important because of the authority that these videos will give you. It doesn’t need to be complicated as long as you keep it short and sweet.
Overall, the easiest way to take the headache out of building your personal brand is to simply be more personal when you post content online. Share your stories, values, morals, and advice. People who think like you will start to identify with you, and your brand will start to grow and become recognized by others around you, all without having to pay for expensive content!?