How to take control of your destiny in 2021
Daphne Wells
Owners, senior managers, and leaders of small businesses choose to work with me to improve employee productivity by 30% or more in <111 days without drama using the Sweet Success Framework | Success Coach | Numerologist
How can you take control of your destiny in 2021 when 2020 showed you how much you can’t control?
One of the huge learnings for us in 2020 was how little we are able to control the world and environment we live in and choose to call home.
We’ve heard many a time that the only thing we can control is how we choose to respond to life and what it delivers to us. If we’d not realized the truth of that previously, 2020 certainly created the situation for us to acknowledge and accept that as truth.
Our changed circumstances allowed us space to become more aware of the responses we choose.
It was a year that destabilized us in so many ways.
We adapted and learned new ways of living including working from home, home-schooling, bubbles and lockdowns.
The universal energy of 2020, being a 4 energy year, asked us to stabilize our energy and build foundations.
The time we spent at home in lockdown certainly gave opportunity for us to identify what’s important in life generally and for us personally. We built new foundations for our life accordingly. That prepared the way for us to move forward.
2021, as a 5 energy year, is time for course correction and creating in the unknown.
We’re living in the unknown after all the uncertainty and rocking of our stable foundations that the havoc of 2020 brought about. We truly are pioneering a new way of being.
Course correction is necessary after learning what was no longer sustainable from an environmental viewpoint and because of the changed world we live in with the impact of Covid-19.
So, how do you plan in the unknown Daphne?
I hear you …
Here’s how you can plan in the unknown dearest …
The first step is knowing yourself – being certain of who you are.
Who you are is determined by your inner personal code that’s hard-wired into you the day you were born.
I refer to it as your energetic DNA. Unlocking this code and revealing it to my clients is mind-blowing for them. It raises their awareness of their potential, increases their confidence and provides the equivalent of an owner’s manual for your life.
The second step is getting certain on what’s important to you and for you.
What’s important to you includes your values, your purpose and your mission.
Your purpose and your mission are a core piece of your inner personal code. These reveal the why for your business, who your ideal client is and how you help them.
This is an insanely powerful secret tool to short-cut your path to making money in your business. It removes months or even years of trialling and erroring this discovery. I love helping my clients fast-track this process!
Next, you get to decide what you want to achieve.
What you want to achieve includes your vision, your intentions and your goals.
For this piece, I use my signature PATH approach with my clients to walk them through the creation process.
Now you get to the planning piece.
Here we use your inner personal code along with the universal energy to create a plan that’s energetically aligned for you.
It creates a plan that supports you and your energy to expand your ability to realize your potential and possibilities.
This truly is the secret key to creating your business in a way that is profitable and sustainable.
Then you get to make more money. You get to have more success and enjoy more freedom.
It’s really your cheat-sheet for life and business – it makes everything easier, smoother and take less effort. Who doesn’t want that?
This is all part and parcel of my intuitive strategic planning process that makes planning a whole-body experience, fully aligned with you and your energy, and no longer relies just on your head.
You end up with a plan that’s sustainable, that supports you and that empowers you to get exactly what you want.
Ultimately, you get to live the lifestyle you choose for your family without sacrificing you in the process.
If that’s something you want to know more about, pop on over to secure your free Crack Your Success Code call with me.