How to Systematically Increase Your Luck
In a time of turmoil, how much luck can you endure?
“Luck is choosing to allow God to work for you and give you everything in abundance”?— Ken Adams,?Spiritually Restored.
You’ve likely experienced moments of luck.
Moments when you seemed to find yourself in the right place, at the right time, and with the right people.
Things just worked out!
But unfortunately, many people use “luck” as a catch-all phrase — to explain how something worked out for them when they don’t understand the skills or circumstances that got them there— equating luck to random chance. This might help them feel humble but actually makes “luck” unpredictable and unreliable.
But what if luck isn’t luck at all?
What if “luck” has less to do with our external circumstances and more with the deep mental programs running in our minds.
What if you could find a way to systematically increase the amount of luck you experience day-to-day?
Imagine that you just?KNEW?that you were lucky, and that come rain or shine, things just seemed to work out for you.
What implications would that have on your relationships? Your finances? And how you show up day-to-day.?How much gratitude, love, appreciation would flow into your life? How many new opportunities would knock at your door?
You already know the answer.
Like the dial on your car radio,?you can turn up or down the amount of luck you experience in your life.
This article will show you how ALL of your experiences are filtered through your thoughts.?By making small adjustments to those thoughts, you can put your mind into a powerful resourceful state. Your brain can turn all of your setbacks into victories and identify opportunities seemingly out of thin air.
The Science of Luck
“ I am a big proponent of going for what you want. That means deciding, committing and taking action quickly. Because your external world will respond swiftly and bring all the good things back to you.” —?William Lam, UPGRD
As mentioned above, most people use the word “luck” as a catch-all — a way of describing when something went right, but they don’t know why. Generally, “luck” is mistakenly attributed to chance or randomness, however, many people are beginning to realize that “luck” has more to do with your thinking than your circumstances.
Luck has largely to do with your brain’s ability to DELETE irrelevant information. Your subconscious mind deletes information constantly, automatically, without conscious thought.
According to Dr. Joseph Dispenza, D.C., “The brain processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. BUT, we are ONLY aware of 2,000 of those.” This is because your brain deletes excess information to help you focus, function, and even hold a normal conversation.
Beyond deleting sensory information — like how your feet feel against the texture of your shoes, the taste of your own spit, and the ambient noise constantly coming from your air conditioning and household appliances, your brain also deletes the visual—like the missing car keys that you left in plain sight, or when your husband is looking for the ketchup in your fridge and you point out that he’s looking RIGHT at it (p.s. I am that husband).
People don’t experience imbalanced luck or misfortune. Most humans experience roughly an equal amount of positive and negative circumstances in their own sphere and geography.?But our minds — our thoughts — filter out many, if not most, of what we experience. Leaving us with a skewed view of our reality.
C.S. Lewis captured this truth in?The Great Divorce?when he wrote,?“that is why…the Blessed will say “We have never lived anywhere except in Heaven: and the Lost, “We were always in Hell.” And both will speak truly.”
Your brain always tries to prove you right.
People who think that life is working AGAINST them unconsciously delete the?positive, leaving them more evidence that life is working against them.
People who think that life is working FOR them unconsciously delete the?negative?information, leaving them more evidence that life is working in their favor.
The good news is that you can reprogram your brain to identify the opportunities that you need to capture to ultimately get what you want out of life.
For example: Think back to the last time you purchased a new car. Suddenly, everyone on the freeway seemed to be driving that car. Where did they all come from?
You programmed your brain to notice them.
You researched, test drove, talked with a salesperson, and put down earnest money toward the car. All of this sent a?powerful?message to your subconscious mind — “NOTICE THAT CAR.”
Weeks later, your subconscious is still hard at work. Pointing out every single car of that make, model, and color on the freeway!
Your subconscious mind shows you what you want and deletes the rest.
People who seem lucky experience more luck because they’ve trained their subconscious to identify more “lucky” opportunities.
People who seem unlucky experience less luck because they’ve trained their subconscious to delete “lucky” opportunities from their notice.
You can step into a “luckier” version of yourself simply by changing your thinking.?Regardless of where you are in life — whether a war-torn country or from the comfort of your home office — you can decide today to believe that you are lucky.
You are lucky.
As you allow yourself to step into that feeling, of being lucky, your mind might get right to work by reminding you of specific things in your current circumstances that are actually lucky.
And, maybe next your mind will bring to mind specific memories, that perhaps you haven’t thought of in years, that were incredibly fortunate.
And as you lean into that feeling, you’ll be surprised to find the amount of gratitude that comes with it. And with gratitude comes clarity — clarity about what you?REALLY?want in life.
And by consciously identifying your deeper desires, your subconscious mind will program itself to look for MORE of those things.
And over the next few days, you might find yourself with more and more of what you want — proving to yourself once and for all, that?YOU ARE INCREDIBLY LUCKY!
Change your thoughts. Change your results!
“It’s a loop really, we repeat what we learned consciously and unconsciously in our youth. And it continues until someone — like you — decides to break free.” —?William Lam, UPGRD
I love writing these articles because as I write, in addition to sharing a message that everyone should hear, I’m training my mind to better apply these principles.
For example, as I wrote this article I decided to lean into that feeling of “I am INCREDIBLY lucky… everything in my life works in my favor!”
At first, it felt great to look at my life through this new lens! I felt gratitude and a sense of abundance as I looked at my wife and children in this new light. Immediately, I began to notice how the regular, everyday occurrences in my life were somehow extremely fortunate.
However, this new thought was difficult for me to maintain! A day or two in, and I was already wondering,?“Is that really true? I’m not any luckier than anyone else.”?At that moment, my subconscious was testing me to see if I wanted to go back to an old thought pattern or stick with the new one.
After talking to my wife (who knocked some sense into me),?I decided to double down on the belief that I was really, REALLY, lucky!
As I look back over the past week I’ve seen how my circumstances have changed. I’ve captured new work opportunities, received unanticipated pay increases (three times!), connected with new potential clients, received unexpected gift cards and a free car wash upgrade! But better than that, I’ve been more present with my wife and kids, and even more grateful for them than ever!
I’ve learned that being “lucky” is a choice. A thought that you get to choose and keep on choosing.
And that as you choose to believe that you’re “lucky”, your subconscious mind works harder than ever to prove you right!
You’ll notice more opportunities in your life.
You’ll be more present when it matters.
You’ll be surprised at the good that will come!
This is the type of luck that helps you see the beautiful intricacies of your life. To recognize and feel ALL of your wins. To elicit the feeling of “my life is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE for me.”
You’ve got this!
Psychological Tips to Increase Your Luck: