How To Survive The 120 Days of January Like A Money Pro

How To Survive The 120 Days of January Like A Money Pro

Is your January already Januarying like the Januaries that have Januaried before?

If you are reading this, you're probably still recovering from your Detty December expenses and counting down to payday. Or, you’re still trying to process your statement of account for December and wondering where all the zeros in your bank account went to.??

Well, brace up because we come bearing good news! In this 4-step financial guide, we are going to teach you how to survive the longest month of the year with sapa immunity like a money pro.? As a member of the Aella Money Tribe, there is nothing confining you to #TeamShegeProMax, when you can be in #TeamSoftLife.?

Now that we've gotten all that out of the way, let's get straight into it:?

  • Budgeting:

The first step to financially surviving January is to create a budget. You’ve probably made a good number of bad money decisions in December, we don’t want you bringing that energy into the new year.?

The first thing you need to do is to create an accurate list of your monthly expenses ranging from food, transportation, data and entertainment subscriptions, electricity and water bill, and all other expenses.?The next step is to create a list of priorities, starting from the bills that necessarily need to be paid to the bills that can be delayed or avoided.?

For example, we both know you don’t need to buy that new iPhone in January. It can wait till you regain your financial confidence and recover from your December expenses.?

  • Track your spending:

Creating a budget is not good enough, it’s important to hold yourself accountable by keeping track of your expenses. There’s something about seeing your expenses clearly written on paper that sets you back on track. The best way to do this is to separate your expenses into categories. This will help you get a perfect idea of where you might be overspending and make necessary changes.??

  • Prioritize your needs over wants:

Your wants are very valid but they don’t necessarily need to come with a deadline. You did not save for rainy days just to splurge your money on unnecessary wants before it even starts to rain. So put some of those wants on your to-buy list and focus on stabilizing your finances.?

  • Adopt a positive money mindset:

It’s normal to feel stressed about how to manage money and still hit your savings target for this month. You’re not alone in that boat. But even in midst of the stress and anxiety, it is still important to maintain a positive financial mindset. Instead of stressing over your Detty December expenses, learn from your money mistakes and avoid making them again. Instead of focusing on problems, focus on possible solutions. Set new money goals, manage your spending habits and focus less on financial situations that you can’t control.

Because you dettied your December does not necessarily mean you have to suffer for it. You can also take loans from Aella pay to fund your immediate needs. With these #AellaMoneyTips, go forth and enjoy the remaining days of January.?



