How to support child to be regular for all work?

How to support child to be regular for all work?

1. What do you mean by ‘being regular’?

       Regularity is connected with time. If a person is found doing a particular task at the definite time then we can say that such a person is regular. For example: to wake up daily at a fixed time, to have meals daily at a fixed time, etc. As per Merriam-Webster dictionary, “Regular” means:

: happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way

: occurring every day, week, month, etc.

: happening at times that are equally separated

: happening or done very often

For Example:

-         Her ?heartbeat was regular.

-         The ?gardeners ?planted the ?trees at regular ?intervals.

-          I ?suggest that we have regular ?meetings/?meet on a regular ?basis

2. Whom can we call Regular or Irregular?

       Any child who is having a timely intervention with day to day activity can be called a regular child. For instance, if a child wakes up every morning at the same time irrespective of school or no school then such child can be called as having traits of being regular. Similarly, if a child gets ready on time, takes his / her meals on time, does class work and homework on time, has a pattern of beginning and completing tasks on time then such a child can be referred to as Regular Child. A child who is regular is often found to be more predictable and behaving normally under all circumstances. Such a child have a tendency for achieving success frequently and more often than other children.

       A child who is not having above traits and time commitment is said to be irregular. Such child has frequent tantrums and dislikes and much time is wasted over convincing such child to do a task. Such children have a lesser ratio of achieving success as compared to the regular child and will be more prone to hardships and struggles in life.

3. From where do we get lessons for being regular?

       We get lessons for being regular from the concerned environment i.e. the surroundings of the child, the home, and the school. Generally, the school is a timed up organization, all the tasks happen at regular intervals, the lectures and sessions are all timed up, start time and end time of school are always scheduled. The second place where the child will learn lessons of being regular is the Home. Thus, at home also we should try to follow a regular schedule as much possible. The child will learn more from the behavior and regularity patterns of the elders then what is told to the child. Thus as elders and parents to the child, it becomes our duty to be regular and teach the informal lessons of regularity to the child. At home, necessary strictness should be maintained to support the child for being regular for waking up, lunch, homework, playtime and other such tasks. Thus it is from home and the school that the child will learn the lessons of being regular.

4. What are the benefits of being regular?

       Having regularity in life will have its effect manifold. With regular and punctual practices one can easily achieve the desired result or output. The maximum benefit is seen in form of good physical and mental health. A person having regular lifestyle and habits will have more chances of getting success easily and frequently. Such a person will always be ready to handle the contingencies of life. Being regular for the self, such person will take out time for the family and society as well which in turn will be helpful to establish a balanced lifestyle. Thus, apart from getting success, such person will have satisfaction in life which is much more important that success. Thus a child who has formed the habit of being regular and punctual right from the childhood will have more chances of success, stability, and satisfaction as compared to other children. As it is said, “Punctuality is half the battle won”, thus regularity will increase the chances of a balanced and contented life.

5. How to support the child to be regular?

       Regularity is a habit that everyone wishes to have but only few can make it up. Being regular is not easy and thus making a child regular in a day to day routine is also a Herculean task. The following tips will enable you to carry out this Herculean task easily:

1.      Try to maintain consistency in the wake-up time for your child. Fix up a schedule for School days and vacation days. During school days insist that your child wakes up by 7:00 am so as to reach the school on time. Also, maintain this schedule in weekends and holidays during School schedule. You can have a different schedule during vacations, but even during vacations maintain the consistency of the wake-up time. For example, during vacation it may be ok if your child wakes up a little late say around 8:00 am but make sure that on each day the child wakes up around the same. This will ensure habits of being regular and punctual.

2.      Maintain the consistency of meal time and play time. During school days usually, the child will have meals after coming from school say around 1:00 pm. Maintain the same schedule for them during vacation time period. Also, maintain the recess time of the child as it used to be during school days. This will ensure normal habits and will keep the body metabolism regular and in turn, will help the child to be healthy.

3.      Support your child for having play time. Try to maintain the schedule for play time. For example, let your child go to play in the evening say from 6 to 8. See to it that the child gets enough play during this time and maintain such schedule on regular basis. If your child does not see his friends during this time then please take out time yourself to play with the child and maintain such regularity.

4.      Make use of positive words and statements. For example, while waking up your child in the morning, keep reminding that we have to reach school by 8:15 am. Do not use words like “wake up or else you will get late” or “You will be punished if you don’t be on time”. Make use of positive words and statements and do not make use of negative words if possible.

5.      Promote your child with reward statements more often. For example, if your child cooperates you by waking up regularly then promote him/her with statements like “Very good Jill, you helped me by waking up on time, you saved me from getting late”. Promote such children in family gatherings, peer groups, etc. for example, in a family gathering appreciate your child’s habit of waking up on regular time by saying, “Jill is very particular, Jill always wakes up happily at a regular time and supports me in doing my tasks”. This will boost the confidence of the child that his / her activities are in tandem with what is required and he/she is able to keep up the standards.

6.      On successful implementation of a regular schedule for say a week or month, celebrate with your child by going to a restaurant or a nearby play area where your child gets a bonus by being allowed to play at will. You can even purchase and gift an article of choice to the child. These small rewards will go long to maintain the habit of regularity and punctuality and enable the child to be a better human being.

7.      Make your own routine in tandem with child’s routine requirement. So as to have regular meal times for your child, you also sit and have meals with the child. Try to balance your routine tasks with that required for the child. This way the child will have a direct demonstration of what and how of the requirement and you will be a role model for your child for the same.

8.      Do not alter the regularity of timings during off days or holidays. Maintain the schedule of the child even on holidays during school days. Wake up your child at routine school time even on Sunday or holiday even if your child does not need to go to school. Spare your time with the child during those hours this will strengthen the family bond and also will help the child to be regular as your child would also be waiting for such repeated time share with you.

       Regularity and punctuality play an important role in one’s life. As a parent, you play a crucial role in your child's balanced development. You cannot always motivate your child with just stories or talks. Your involvement with them will play a big role in motivating them. Being regular you will pose a great role model to your child. Being regular will also help you as parents for having greater chances of success in your personal life. Such habits help your child develop the self-confidence that s/he will need as an adult.


Dr. Vishal Varia

Rosary Education System


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