How to support the case for childcare

How to support the case for childcare

This past weekend, federal funding for childcare from the American Rescue Plan?expired?with dire implications for 70,000 early childhood care centers and the 3.2 million children?they serve and the?adults who rely on them.

NationSwell believes that employers have an important role to play in the child care movement. So, we have been hard at work to explore this issue through our Case for Childcare Collaborative. As we work to surface the best policies, practices, and innovations that employers can commit to and activate in their workplaces, here are some ways for you to take action individually:

Learn more about Employer-Sponsored Child Care Benefits

What is employer-sponsored child care? (

Vivvi's employer-sponsored child care model (Vivvi)

Bright Horizons employer-sponsored child care model (Bright Horizons)

Why portable benefits matter for a flexible workforce (Mercatus Center at George Mason Univeristy)

Add your voice to call on Congress

Through our partners at National Domestic Workers Alliance

Through our partners at Mom’s First

Learn from organizations bringing urgency to the childcare crisis:

Mom’s First

MH Care at Work Summit

The Holding Co.’s Guides to The Care Economy

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Early Childhood Education

Learn more about the ARPA and the Childcare Cliff:

LA Times, Opinion: Federal funding for child care is about to fall off a cliff. Why that’s a disaster

NY Times, America Pulled Children Out of Poverty. Now It’s Set to Reverse Course With a Vengeance

FastCompany, America has 5 days before 3.2 million kids could be left without childcare

Fortune, The childcare cliff arrives this weekend, threatening to leave 3.2 million kids without care

Bloomberg, The Child Care ‘Cliff’ Is Upon Us. Look Out Below.

In December 2023, our Collaborative will be publishing a microsite that includes a deep dive into our research and insights.

The second year of the Case for Childcare Collaborative will focus on engaging employers to produce solutions that will help create more access to affordable and high-quality childcare for frontline workers and their families. The second year will be centered around the corporate audience, specifically targeting employers of hourly, gig, and frontline workers to surface the best policies, practices, and innovations that employers can commit to and activate within their workplaces. Learn more or get involved.



