How to be a super connector
Mark Woods
Communication consultant | Content Strategist | Journalist | Copywriter| Blogger
We live and work in a highly connected world yet many people, including myself struggle to make the best of all the possibilities available. Travel, it is said, enlarges the mind but too much spent at airports is also the thief of time. Having said that, there really is no substitute for the face to face meeting - even the most stable WebEx cannot emulate a handshake.
Social media has gone a fair way to make the world a smaller, better connected place but in spite of the hype, instant messenger platforms and collaborative tools like Slack have yet to challenge email as the default mode of corporate communication. It seems that operating in silos is a very difficult habit to break in an otherwise fast-moving corporate world.
The common understanding here is that only people (which is to say those with the ability to reinvent themselves) are capable of handling the complexity that modern networks presents. In this scenario, the role of the super connector comes to the fore. To me, the super connector fulfils the need for more dynamic and situational networking than any hierarchy, process or team can deliver.
Technologically, I never cease to be amazed by the connectivity we presently enjoy. In historical terms, it’s quite remarkable. But somehow with all the technologies available, humans have yet to embrace them properly to derive the full benefits. AI will no doubt go some way to make the next transition complete in the digital age but in the meantime it is up to everyone to activate their available networks to get the most out of them.
Not everyone is a super connector but everyone has the means at their disposal to amplify their voice. Technology can make connections shallower, but it can also make them stronger, depending on how intentionally you use it. This could mean reaching out to colleagues you haven’t been in touch with for a while, sharing an update in your Linkedin feed, intentionally building your network by selecting people of interest or writing a regular blog.
The key of course is regularity and intention. Like all change, things happen incrementally but small intentional acts to connect will lead to a tipping point where you become a super connector – and that benefits everybody in your network.
Don’t take my word for it – start today and see how far you get.