How to Suck It Up
Much of life is learning to make the best of a bad situation.
Finding ways to appraise our condition positively, taking charge of our thoughts and refusing to stop until we come out on the other side with something meaningful.
In short, controlling our minds before our minds control us.
Cooperider first operationalized this process on an organizational level, dubbing it appreciative inquiry. It’s an intervention program to help corporate teams investigate the best of what is, in order to imagine what could be.
The questions they ask help focus people’s attention in a more positive direction, as opposed to assessing and evaluating situations and proposing solutions that are solely based on a deficiency.
And so, before we make the giant leap to global negativity, marching ourselves toward an unhappy future, we inquire with the following.
What aspects of my circumstances might I view as a gift to be treasured?
What is the hidden treasure inside this person that maybe others don’t see?
Rather than taking the typical torturous mental journey, this type of question allows us to replace destructive thinking patterns with healthy and positive choices that fulfill us.
To have compassion for our bad situation and listen to the meaningful message that lay within.
Proving, that when we recognize the value of something, we also increase it.
And that if you look creatively enough, every side is the bright side.
How are you redefining your version happiness to accommodate negative experiences?
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