How to successfully choose ICT tools in early childhood education?
ICT tools in early childhood education

How to successfully choose ICT tools in early childhood education?

Young children in a digital society already have some degree of play experience with digital technology before they enter your early childhood learning environment. It is the very nature of the world in which we live in. As a result, a high-quality early years digital technology provision is essential if you are responding to their technological expertise and helping them grow to become digitally literate and ICT-capable citizens of society.

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Digital literacy in early years education is about considering the use of digital technology in early childhood education for the early acquisition of digital skills to be part of young children’s communication development. The cornerstones of this is laid during the EYLF or other early years curricula such as EYFS.


It is during this period, those young children need to understand the digital world that surrounds them and learn that ICT is a tool that is designed for specific purpose. This will be achieved when you use it in a meaningful context as you develop their digital literacy and ICT capability.


When ICT is used in an imaginative way to deliver the curriculum and threaded through your early learning goals then the quality of what is taught and learned is enhanced and supported and the effectiveness of the learning process is increased.


In a previous video, I discussed a number of?ICT tools in early childhood education ?that young children come across and use in their daily lives. Some examples include digital cameras, smartphones and electronic toys that resemble real-life technologies. Then there are computers – in tablet form, desktop form or mobile form -?and the software and apps that accompany them.


In this video, I will show you what you can do to select the most appropriate resources for your early childhood learning environment today.



Audit your ICT resources

The possibilities are endless when it comes to choosing digital technologies. It can be difficult to know where to start. However, it is important to first adhere to the DATEC guiding principles for providing digital play resources in the early childhood learning environment.


DATEC principles

  1. All applications (software and apps) should be educational.
  2. Digital technology should encourage collaboration.
  3. Digital technology should be able to be integrated into the curriculum and also into play-based learning experiences.
  4. The child should always be in control of the technology. Technology like this is referred to as tool technology as it allows them to have full control and can be used to promote creativity.
  5. Applications should be transparent and intuitive.
  6. Applications should not contain violence and stereotyping.
  7. Awareness of health and safety.
  8. There must be educational involvement of parents.


In addition to this, 4 key themes underlie your decisions in choosing technology. Rachel Ager started her career in a Reception class and now heads up the Primary ICT Team for Northhamptonshire County Council. Here she researches and has the particular responsibility for developing the use of ICT in the EYFS. Below are the key themes that she recognises as essential in consideration of choice of technology.

?For more information click this link.


