How to be successful in your QLTS exams

How to be successful in your QLTS exams

Our hints, tips and strategies to passing your OSCE and MCT exams so you can achieve QLTS status, be dual-qualified and practise English law.

Tips for passing the MCT multiple choice assessment

A: After a mock exam, create a tip for every question you didn’t answer correctly. Then index each tip by topic.

B: Also create tips to cover gaps in knowledge. Keep the tips short.

C: Make a list of possible future questions.

 D: Regularly re-visit and update your tips and notecards.

Tips for passing the OSCE examination

Preparation makes perfect for the OSCE

The OSCE is not an exam that you can prepare for at the last minute.

A year before you take the exam, familiarise yourself with the curriculum. Commence reading. Identify those areas to which you need to pay attention. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Time-based) goals for your learning. The study resources available via the Law Training Centre are considerable. These include:

  • Course Summaries.
  • Hints and tips on how to get the most from the courses.
  • Oxford University Press manuals covering each assessment area plus free access to Practical Law by Thomson Reuters.
  • An online training system with over 100 mock OCSE tests in accordance with SRA specifications. Also: notes, manuals and videos.

Our OSCE PLUS students have unlimited tutor support. If this applies to you, after you have completed reading each practice area, you can ask for additional tutor time to check your learning.

At least 3 months before the OSCE, start arranging additional practice for your interview. Practice makes perfect – in the interview you only have a short time to impress. Some students enlist the services of friends and family to role-play clients and so help perfect examination timings. Others ask fellow students. The key is to have a strategy for each segment of the interview and to structure it. There’s a lot to cover – for example, in a probate interview, from obtaining basic client information, details of the deceased and assets to allowing the client time to ask questions. 

Also helpful for passing the OSCE

  • Don’t forget to research points about conduct.
  • Become skilled at organising attendance notes.
  • Become skilled at keyword searching when doing legal research.
  • Remember, your legal writing is about using plain English, and not baffling the client with legalese.
  • Seek out additional feedback on your body language skilled use of which will be vital when your ability in advocacy is assessed. 

General hints and tips for passing the QLTS

1. Choose the best time and place for study

Find a place and a regular time that suits your study. Keep to that routine.

2. Study regularly

Sensible and often is better than lots of desperately last- minute preparation.

3. Use a diary and to-do lists

Schedule your study, use an online calendar, a planner on the kitchen wall, whatever it takes to keep study regular and on track. Set reminders.

4. Schedule recaps

As well as listing study time for new topics, put regular slots in your calendar for you to review notes and subject areas.

5. And schedule breaks

You’ll need time-out too.

6. Make your own study aids

In addition to using the many resources made available to you by Law Training Centre.

7. Seek support

Make sure you talk to friends, family and tutors whenever study becomes tricky.

8. Look after your health

Keeping fit can help you maintain your mental stamina.

Eve Dullabh - Managing Director

Law Training Centre

[email protected]


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