How Successful People Think, Part #2
David Hepburn Jr
Is your business where you want it to be now? Did you know that you could "Close The Gap" in 90 days? Message me and let's start closing the gap from where you are now to where you want to be!
“Stop waiting in lines for things you don't want, they will not bring you fulfillment, they will not lift you up or set you apart or give you meaning. Conformity has a ceiling, your potential does not. This creates conflict, it breeds missed opportunities and wasted potential.” ~Eddie Pinero
5. Possibility Thinking Gives You Hope And Courage To Discover New Things “Red, hope, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.” (Shawshank Redemption, great movie) Most people’s “What if” is negative, is yours? I wake up thinking what if today I get a new 100k client. What’s your “what if.” If it’s negative, change your thinking and practice saying positive “what ifs.” Practice makes permanent.
It's said that “God never gives you a dream without the tools to make it come true.” What is that dream of yours that you have kept in the desk drawer, afraid to go after it? Possibility Thinking lets our imagination run wild and as Albert Einstein said “Knowledge is finite, Imagination is infinite.”
6. Shared Thinking And Collaboration Improve On Ideas Created In Isolation. Successful people KNOW who to share their thinking with and who to collaborate with. Not everyone qualifies. Certainly not “Negative Nancy” or “I know it all Bob” (Forgive me Nancys and Bobs, just using the expression. Have you ever wondered who was the FIRST Negative Nancy? I digress…lol)
When you find the right people to share your thinking and collaborating with, you will know it right away. Here’s an invitation to attend our group where you can find people to share and collaborate with. CTCTC meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8am Arizona time (we don’t change our clocks, too much work) and we would love to welcome you into our world of shared thinking and collaboration!
7. Unselfish Thinking Makes People More Successful And Expands What Success Is. When you stop thinking about yourself and start thinking how you can give value to others, you expand success. Your value also creates a legacy for you to build. What will people say about you when you are gone? As Jim Rohn said “The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development.”
In the end, successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.
Choose success
Thanks for reading
If you would like to join a group of "Different Thinkers" you can meet us here, (on Zoom) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8-9am AZ time CTCTC (Click Here)
Continued Success