How Successful People Think
David Hepburn Jr
Is your business where you want it to be now? Did you know that you could "Close The Gap" in 90 days? Message me and let's start closing the gap from where you are now to where you want to be!
“The same, is never extraordinary, it's never remarkable or memorable will never be talked or written about, so why then is it so frequently sought-after.” ~Eddie Pinero
Success STARTS IN THE MIND! No you say, it’s getting a college education, it’s working hard, long hours, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Think about the wealthiest people on the planet, how many of them never finished college? A lot! Anyone can be successful however it will require you to work SMART.
We’re going to talk about “How Successful People Think” today and Thursday.
1. Success Begins With Our Thoughts. What are you thinking? Thoughts like “I’ll never be rich,” “This job really sucks,” “If only I could win the lottery.” It used to be considered “woo-woo” to believe that our thoughts had anything to do with success however the more we learn about the brain, the more it shows us how important our thinking is to success.
According to Trevor Moawad in the book “It Takes What It Takes,” he says that when we vocalize our thoughts it makes a 10x impression on our brain and when we vocalize our negative thoughts it’s 40x-70x more powerful in it’s effects on us.
I love his phrase from the book, “Don’t say stupid sh-t out loud!”
2. Surround Yourself With The Right Environment And People
W. Clement Stone asked the question “Are the things around you helping you towards success – or are the holding you back?” Have you asked yourself that question before or even recently? A lot of times we are afraid of the answer because we know we need to change things and we’re afraid to make a change.
Look around your office right now, are there things in your office that could be holding you back? Are there people who are holding you back?
I’ll finish with what Stone said “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective.”
You are not a tree… (my thought, not Stone)
3. Big Picture Thinking Is Essential To Keep You Grounded And On Target Amidst Challenges.
When you Think BIG, Believe BIG, Act BIG and Expect BIG, great things will happen for you because the size of your success is determined by the size of your belief! Here’s the flip side to that, when you think small and expect small, guess what you get…small.
Another reason for Big Picture Thinking is that it keeps us going when we run into challenges. It’s all about your WHY and when your WHY is Big enough, you can handle any WHAT!
4. Focused Thinking Allows Proper Use Of Time. In our Accountability Implemented group, we did a Focus Hour session where we came together on Zoom and for the first 10 minutes, everyone explained what they would be working on (Muted, cameras on) and we took the last 5 minutes to detail what was completed.
90% of the group found the exercise very valuable. I actually joined in and got my whole editorial calendar for the rest of the year done (something I had been putting off)
It’s something that we will do in our group again next month. Find a friend and do this on your own, you won’t regret it.
There are a lot of things that successful people think about. These are just 4 and there will be more on Thursday
Thanks for reading,
Continued Success
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