How to be successful in business?
Your business was established to give some useful product or service to the targeted people. Are you achieving that? Check through these points
1. Provide greater personalized service. Once your customer he/she should be your customer for ever. Check if you are in line with this or else take corrective steps. You need to go to any length, undergo any sacrifice needed for achieving this goal. Take an inventory of your operation against this crucial aspect and take action.
2. Remember to stay focused on the above. Your product or service should be the best your price can buy. No compromise on quality.No compromise on customer service now and after the sale.
3. You need to be creative and look to new ideas for bringing a 21st century product or a 21st century service. Go for the tecthnology of tomorrow in every stage of production or service. Super technology and innovation should propel you forward.
4. Analyze your competition and take steps to march ahead. Introduce cost saving measures to bring down the cost of the final product or service. Explore new markets. Tap existing markets more.
5. Look forward-know the customer demands of tomorrow and be prepared today. Look forward to the risks and meet them squarely.
6. Keeping detailed records and accounts-it needs no mention.
7. Have an organization to run the show as you want in your absence. Put systems in place to take care of everything.
8. Remember you are in business to make profit.You have to consistently keep doing what is necessary to be profitable always.