How To Succeed In Your Film Funding
Dr. John B. Charnay
Foremost Fundraising & PR Authority; Super-Networker/Super-Connector; Philanthropy Advisor; Leading Job Search Expert
Here’s How To Succeed In Your Film Funding:
Make A Trailer And Sizzle Reel
Get Film Financing Experts Involved Early On
Put A Great Production Team In Place
Develop A Strong Web Presence And Create A Strong Following
Put Together A Strong Mailing List And A Strong E-Mailing List
Mount A Great Crowdsource Funding Campaign For Initial Development Funds (Offering Unique Special Incentives At Different Donation Levels)
Use Sponsorship Packages & Product Placement Opportunities To Attract More Business Funding
Using Pre Sale/Foreign And Domestic Minimum Guarantees And Co-Productions And Debt Financing To Aid Funding (As Appropriate)
Get Product Placement For Dollars As Well As For Products
Score More Revenue Through Music
Get Film Grants
Get Gifts
Enter Contests
Get Deferrals
Get Tax Incentives And Rebates
Get Passive Investments
Getting Active Equity Investments
The author, Dr. John B. Charnay, CEO of Charnay and Associates in Greater Los Angeles, is a movie and television producer... a top social media award-winning public relations editor/writer...and a life/business/career coach. He is also a leading fundraising consultant who has raised over a quarter of a billion dollars during his career. To meet him, invite him to be LinkedIn (email in profile) and contact him today!