How to Succeed Working Remotely?

How to Succeed Working Remotely?

This blog is for anyone who's even thought about working remotely. Maybe you're already working remotely and looking for advice on the tactics and daily habits that can make you happier and more productive in your work.??

Let's start by looking at what we mean by remote working and why so many companies are making this way of working a part of their culture, just like CCL. By the way, check out our LinkedIn feed to learn more about Cybernetic Controls Job Opportunities.???

Working with clients all over the globe means I'm not tied to a particular desk, and at any one time my office could be my dining room, a table at a hotel, an airport lounge, or a conference centre. But we also know what huge rewards it can bring both personally and professionally.??

Not everyone is a fan of remote working as Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer sent around an all-staff memo announcing:?????

"Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home. We need to be one Yahoo! and that starts with physically being together." And so banned remote work.??

When you're working remotely you have to consciously nurture your relationships with others in a way that's not quite so necessary when you're working side by side in an office.???

First of all deepening relationships with others while exposing yourself to the potential for new opportunities. So it's a great way (what is a great way?? What does this refer to?) to feel more connected with people even if you're working remotely. Working Out Loud (what is this? Is there something missing from the text?) is about generosity extending your network through the power of altruism.??

Working Out Loud is also about widening your reach by working visibly, for example sharing contributions via social media. So it's a great way to keep you on people's radar even if you're not in the office. It's also about being purposeful. When you work out loud you do so with a particular goal in mind.??

You could all be working for the same company or you could come from different industries, united only by the desire to see a change in your work life and the fact that a diversity of perspectives can make the experience of Working Out Loud even richer.?????

One quick face-to-face conversation can eliminate an enormous back-and-forth question-and-answer chat session. But another reason is body language; whether it's a nervous gesture, eye contact, or the presence of a smile or frown. A person's body language can tell you a lot about the way they're feeling.??

Body language expert Patti Wood claims that in one minute of conversation there are up to 10,000 non-verbal cues, cues that you wouldn't pick up in a chat.??

So if you've got a complex or delicate message to convey, for example, if you're giving or receiving feedback, do it face to face. Whether that's using an online platform like Microsoft Teams or better still, in person. But even on a more day-to-day level, you need some face time to build in those social moments we all take for granted in an office environment. Those moments are essential for team cohesion.??

?How to Look Good on a Webcam???

The first tip for looking good on a webcam, don't sit with a window or other light source behind you because your face will be in darkness.??

Be aware of what your backdrop says about you. Do dress appropriately and look professional and try to avoid busy patterns. They can shimmer on screen and make your viewer's eyes hurt. Don't walk away from the screen for no reason. Imagine if someone walked out of a meeting without explanation. And finally, smile. The camera can amplify your emotions so if you're not smiling you'll look sterner or unhappier than you probably are.??

?Create a to-do List???

Yes, you heard that right, a to-do list. A list of all those tasks you refuse to get distracted by so that you can focus on the stuff that you really must get done because of course, you're working from home!?

Do Not Disturb Sign?

My next tip is to use that Do Not Disturb sign.?

Now you may not be sitting in an open-plan office with colleagues drifting by your desk all day but as a remote worker, you're still prone to distractions.??

We hope this helps you keep focused and create meaningful relationships with your virtual colleagues.?

Stay tuned for more interesting blogs by Cybernetic Controls Ltd


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