How to Succeed in Life—12 Guidelines for Living Well
Yashar Kafi
President at Amplify | Board Member at Knight Management Group | Director at Kafi Foundry Foundation | Operating Partner driving technology transformation and strategy
I think we can safely say that achieving success in life is a universally sought after ideal. But what exactly that means is a far more varied and nuanced issue entirely.
For me, I see succeeding in life as achieving the goals you set for yourself. While this could look different for each individual, the basic mentality is the same.
It sounds simple, right? But not so fast. You need a game plan, and one with set, defined goals. With this in mind, I’ve come up with a collection of action steps that I feel provide an encapsulation of what achieving real success in life entails. Let’s call them guideposts:
Talk Softly
This isn’t my desire to have us actually speaking softly—or whispering and whimpering like timid mice. When I say talk softly, it involves the attitude and spirit I speak with—softly versus harsh and forceful. You’ve heard about how it is “far easier to attract flies with honey than vinegar?” Well, so, too, is it far easier to succeed in life and meet your goals when you are in accord with people on the way.
Eat Sensibly
To achieve any goal, you have to be alive and able to physically and mentally do whatever is needed to make the mark. Fueling your body with the right food and nutrition is directly linked to how much energy you can then put behind pushing onward and upward to excel.
Breathe Deeply
In a nutshell, this means staying present in each moment and not letting yourself get swept away by emotions or thinking too far ahead in the future. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you are calm and clear. Basically: Take a beat, and breathe deep.
Sleep Sufficiently
We’ve all been there: exhausted, tired, and utterly spent after a sleepless night, or simply run down because we never seem to get enough shut-eye before that alarm sounds at sunrise. This exhaustion places you at a severe disadvantage, relegating you to a state of exhaustion where you can barely function, much less thrive.
Dress Smartly
World-famous designer Miuccia Prada once said: ”What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” As you dress daily, ask yourself: How do I want to present myself to the world today?
Act Fearlessly
When it comes to achieving success in life and reaching the goals you’ve laid before you, there is simply no room for timidity or passiveness. This is a fast-moving and dog-eat-dog world at times, and to get what you want and meet your goals, you must go after them 100%, proactively and without hesitation.
Work Patiently
Achieving success and reaching goals does not happen overnight. Diligence and perseverance are critical. Adopt these two superpowers, and you WILL get there, step by step.
Think Creatively
Many times in life, you will hit a roadblock or come up against something new and unknown, where traditional measures aren’t sufficient to rise above it. Here is when you must boldly approach the situation from a new angle, thinking out of the box. It may be uncomfortable and scary to do so at first, but you will reap rewards and new opportunities.
Behave Decently
What is one of the first things you remember learning in school? The Golden Rule. Why? Because it’s a social skill that is the bedrock of any successful life. You can’t achieve your goals if you are at war with everyone, and if you do somehow manage to reach your goals “the dirty way,” I can guarantee the road there will be a bumpy, unpleasant one.
Earn Honestly
Cicero famously claimed that “Ill gotten gains will be ill spent.” There is much to be said about earning an honest living, the most paramount being the ability to enjoy—and be proud of—all that you have (possess) and have done.
Save Regularly
We’ve all heard about the wisdom of saving for a rainy day, and if 2020 has taught us anything, it is that life can be unpredictable at times, so it is always good to be prepared. Setting aside a bit every paycheck is a great practice and discipline. Think of it as investing in yourself and your future.
Spend Intelligently
Aptly following the advice to save, it only makes sense that you would want to spend your funds that are left wisely. After all, it may now be a cliché, but it rings true nonetheless: Money does not grow on trees! And it is far easier (and takes far less time) to spend it than save it. So spend smart.
People define success in many ways, and following these guidelines may not always bring you “perfect” success. But perfection is an elusive goal that can be paralyzing and limiting (after all, what do you have to strive towards if you’re already perfect). Instead, practicing these guidelines can encourage you to work toward goals and live successfully—however, you define it.